How is the pregnancy

How is the pregnancy

Within nine months, the female body changes greatly in order for a miracle to happen and a baby to be born. At the same time, it is not complete without side effects, pleasant and not very.

Nutrition, movement and hygiene

Most women are primarily afraid of the appearance of stretch marks (stretch marks) – thin pink stripes on the skin that fade over time. Rapid weight gain is usually thought to be the cause of their occurrence. But stretch marks are not the most unpleasant thing that can happen during pregnancy or after childbirth. Even if they do not look very aesthetically pleasing, they do not cause any harm to health.

Unlike stretch marks, hemorrhoids, which, according to statistics, are experienced by more than 50% of pregnant women and 80% * of new mothers, can cause much more trouble. This problem is one of the most common in the category of “postpartum complications”. Are there any preventive measures? Of course yes! First, watch what you eat and move around – both you and your baby will benefit.


Fiber must be present in your diet, which promotes good digestion of food, helps the digestive tract “lazy” during pregnancy to function as usual, preventing constipation, which is not too far from the appearance of hemorrhoids. The “hit parade” of fiber-rich foods is headed by dark green vegetables: spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, cucumbers. This list also includes peaches, raisins, raspberries, apples, apricots, plums, blueberries, pears, strawberries and melons.

When breastfeeding, be sure to consult with your doctor before adding new foods to the menu, so as not to accidentally harm your baby.


Be in the fresh air more often, walk for at least half an hour a day. If it’s boring to walk just like that, work out a route and move from point A to point B with a predetermined goal – to walk through the historical center of the city, for example, or to reach a shop with farm products, where everything is fresh and healthy, etc. Swimming, yoga for pregnant women or Pilates can help maintain both health and peace of mind.


Hygiene issues should not be ignored. After each bowel movement, wash yourself with cool water, and replace regular toilet paper with wet wipes for intimate hygiene – this will help relieve swelling and avoid skin irritation.

If the measures you have taken have not worked and you have found signs of a delicate problem in yourself, do not be discouraged. This is not the end of the world. This intimate ailment has a very effective and at the same time mild solution – a whole line of drugs “Relief”, which contain a natural natural component – shark liver oil, rich in nutrients, vitamins, microelements and polyunsaturated fatty acids. It helps to restore the affected area, heal wounds, and also has an anti-inflammatory effect. 

Also in the composition of various drugs in the line “Relief” includes additional active ingredients that allow you to provide specific effects. For example, ointment and candles “Relief”, which contain the vasoconstrictor component phenylephrine, help with bleeding, edema, itching and discomfort. Suppositories “Relief Advance” contain a local anesthetic benzocaine, so they are more suitable for the treatment of acute pain.

For internal hemorrhoids, suppositories are usually prescribed, and ointment is better for treating external hemorrhoids.

Nice bonuses

Fortunately, pregnancy usually has positive beauty effects. So, thanks to the same altered hormonal background, due to which the muscles weaken somewhat and a predisposition to hemorrhoids appears, the hair of pregnant women, as a rule, becomes lush, healthy and grows very quickly. The bust is rapidly increasing in size.

Easy pregnancy and childbirth!


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* Moon N.V., Myrzabekova A.Zh., Moon G.N. Features of the clinical course of acute hemorrhoids in pregnant women. Problems of Coloproctology, 2002; 18: 158-60.

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