How is the mHealth area developing in Poland? Registration for MEDmeetsTECH # 12 has started!

December 9 this year The MEDmeetsTECH conference will be held in Warsaw for the twelfth time. The participants of the autumn edition of the event will discuss, inter alia, about the directions of development of the mHealth area, new technologies in telepsychiatry or building modern communication strategies in the pharmaceutical industry. On this day, a debate on the principles of financing medical startups and presentations of the most interesting MEDTECH startups are also planned.

MEDmeetsTECH is an event that connects the world of medicine, startups and business. This time it will take place in a hybrid formula – both stationary and online. The theme of the meeting will be the #mHealth area.

In accordance with the assumptions made by the organizers, the conference will be divided into four thematic sessions. The meeting will start with a session on trends, during which the speakers will discuss issues related to the future of the MEDTECH industry, strongly emphasizing the mHealth area. – We will pay a lot of attention to solutions and new technologies in the field of psychiatry. All presentations will include numerous examples of good market practices – emphasizes Janusz Kowalski, the organizer of the event.

An important point of the conference will be the session to which representatives of the pharmaceutical industry have been invited – We have invited people responsible for the development and implementation of innovations in enterprises. Our experts will present a number of solutions increasing the health comfort of many patients – adds Janusz Kowalski. A debate on trends and financing of startups is also scheduled for this day. The conference will end with presentations of the most interesting startups.

The autumn edition of the MEDmeetsTECH conference will be an excellent opportunity – for medtech startups, inventors, representatives of the medical world, investors, business leaders, representatives of public and private institutions and students – to learn from each other an intelligent approach to technology in healthcare.

Additional information:

Janusz Kowalski

tel. 606 83 43 68

[email protected]

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