How is rejuvenation performed with phyroblasts in St. Petersburg: reviews, contraindications, photos before and after

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“You can become younger at any age!” – said the Hollywood star of the middle of the last century, Mae West. By the way, she lived a long life and looked great even at an old age. Modern science has gone even further ahead and is already capable of working miracles in the field of prolonging adolescence.

Today, aesthetic medicine is experiencing an unprecedented rise. Technologies have appeared that can literally turn back the clock and look fresh, young and attractive at any age. Mae West had no idea how right she was!

One of the revolutionary developments, which has no analogues in terms of effectiveness, safety and duration of the result, is simply cellular rejuvenation with its own (autologous) fibroblasts.

Fibroblasts are cells that live in the middle layer of the skin – the dermis, which maintain all its properties: turgor, firmness, elasticity, radiant color and regeneration. Fibroblasts are minifactories for the production of elastin, collagen, hyaluronic acid and extracellular substance.

Up to a certain age, they do an excellent job with their task, however, at 35-40 years old, their activity and number begins to rapidly decrease every year, which cannot but affect the general condition of the skin – signs of age-related changes begin to appear. And when the level of fibroblasts decreases by only a third (!), The skin begins to thin, grow dull, a grayish tint appears, flabbiness, dryness, multiple wrinkles, atony, turgor and elasticity are lost. Reading these lines, you begin to realize the inevitability and scale of the disaster – it becomes scary – after all I don’t want to grow old, I want to please myself and the opposite sex and stay young as long as possible!

Modern medicine offers a quick and effective solution to this problem: fibroblasts can be isolated from a small area of ​​the patient’s skin in special laboratory conditions, and then multiply and grow the amount necessary for replacement therapy. The main advantage of the method is that artificially synthesized materials or foreign tissues are not introduced into the body, and the processes of regeneration and rejuvenation are started naturally with the help of the patient’s own cells.

The first signs of rejuvenation are noticeable within a month after the start fibroblast therapy!

However, many notice that the transformation occurs literally immediately – after the first injection. And the result will only get better every day! Indeed, within one and a half to two years, the number of its own fibroblasts in the skin will constantly increase. Accordingly, the anti-aging effect is constantly increasing. The appearance and condition of the skin will get better and better every day!

So what gives fibroblast rejuvenation?

  • Skin tone and turgor increase.
  • Small wrinkles are smoothed out.
  • Pigment spots are eliminated – frequent companions of mature age. After the procedure, they turn pale and disappear.
  • The skin becomes denser, firmer and more elastic.
  • The skin is filled with moisture, the unpleasant sensations of dryness, peeling, flabbiness and tightness, so characteristic of the wilting period, go away.
  • The complexion improves, a healthy “youthful” glow appears on the cheeks.
  • Stretch marks, postoperative scars, acne scars are reduced in size and become almost invisible.

But that’s not all! The patient is guaranteed the absence of allergy to fibroblasts and the risk of cell rejection. The technique involves the introduction of the patient’s own biological material, which means that there will be no rejection, no allergic reactions, or any other unpleasant consequences.

Contraindications are possible, consult a specialist.

Donor fibroblasts are also harmless to the patient and may even be preferable to his own.

They perfectly complement aggressive cosmetic procedures (chemical peelings, mesopils, laser resurfacing, laser fractional rejuvenation, etc.), accelerating the restoration of damaged tissues, shortening the rehabilitation period and enhancing the positive effect of the procedures.

There will be no so-called cancellation effect, because no artificial substances are introduced into the body. The result can last up to 7 years or more! No other method or drug can do this! By the way, there is also a material benefit in this. Fibroblast rejuvenation will allow you to save on expensive cosmetic procedures, because they simply will not be needed!

It is not surprising that this technique is very popular today not only in our country, but also in the United States, as well as in Western Europe. Both cosmetologists and plastic surgeons consider this technology to be the most effective and promising. However, the scope of application of fibroblasts today is not limited only to aesthetic medicine. They are used for recovery from burns, as well as in traumatology. And this only confirms the prospects and effectiveness of the method, and the absolute safety of the method has been proven by numerous clinical trials.

As a rule, all anti-aging procedures are aimed at removing the signs of aging, but they do not in any way affect the very cause of these problems. Fibroblasts restore the epidermis at the level of its microstructure. Only high-quality, proven fibroblasts are injected into the skin, which immediately begin to produce collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid, extracellular substance and stimulating growth factors. All this launches the processes of skin restoration in the most compatible and natural way for our body, inherent in us by nature itself – we only make it work more actively!

Certainly, potential of fibroblasts much higher in young people. This is quite logical. But how do you transplant your own young fibroblasts into a 50+ person? Scientists have solved this problem. Today, it is possible to harvest fibroblasts, for example, at the age of 30, performing some kind of operation with excision of the skin, send it for cultivation and isolation of cells, and then store this material throughout life. You can use harvested fibroblasts at any time when medical or cosmetic indications arise. If the opportunity is missed, there are two ways to solve this problem: to increase the size of the skin flap for the cultivation of fibroblasts or to undergo the procedure of rejuvenation with allogeneic (donor) fibroblasts. Allogeneic fibroblasts are perceived by the body as their own, but, unfortunately, the result of rejuvenation will not be so long – only up to 2 years. But in favor of donor fibroblasts is the fact that no other non-surgical procedure will give such a long and stable effect!

Fibroblast injections can be done at any age, but it is believed that it is optimal to start therapy at the age of 40. It is at this age that the processes in the body slow down, and the number of fibroblasts decreases so much that signs of aging begin to appear and accumulate – cell renewal is no longer so active, the skin becomes dull, dehydrated, wrinkles appear. Fibroblast therapy can not only stop this process, but also reverse it (towards rejuvenation).

Contraindications are possible, consult a specialist.

How is rejuvenation with phyroblasts performed?

First of all, it is necessary to harvest the skin for the cultivation of fibroblasts. For this, a small piece of skin excised during any surgical intervention, for example, after plastic surgery of the breast or eyelids, or a facelift, is quite suitable.

Skin harvesting can also be done under local anesthetic. Usually, the groin area is the zone of excision of the skin flap, because the skin there ages much more slowly, since it is not exposed to the aggressive effects of ultraviolet radiation. A small sample of about 5 cm is sufficient.

The biological material is placed in a sterile container and delivered to “Pokrovsky bank of stem cells”where specialists isolate and grow the required number of fibroblasts – this process takes about 4-6 weeks.

In the process of cell cultivation, daily morphological control is carried out (the “appearance” of the cells is assessed under a microscope), as well as the kinetic behavior of the culture, that is, the rate of cell division. And when deviations appear, additional testing for tumor markers is performed and all damaged cells are discarded. If no deviations from the norm are found, then further cell karyotyping is performed, that is, a genetic study of DNA to detect abnormalities at the gene level, as well as testing for viral and fungal infections. As a result of such a multi-level verification and constant monitoring, only the healthiest and most active fibroblasts are selected and allowed for therapy, for which a corresponding passport is issued. The document contains patient data, as well as information about the cells – how long they were grown, how many they turned out, how viable they were, and other information.

Upon completion of the cultivation process, the procedures for the introduction of cells begin. There are 5 of them in total with an interval of 10-14 days. For each procedure, fibroblasts are brought in the right amount at a certain time, since the cells retain their viability only 6 hours after being placed in a saline solution.

The very process of introducing cells resembles mesotherapy. Before the procedure, a creamy local anesthetic is applied to the patient under a film for 40 minutes. And then a suspension with fibroblasts, each milliliter of which contains 3 million cells, is injected with thin needles, intradermally or tunnel, which is more effective in the presence of deep wrinkles. The amount of the injected drug depends on the area of ​​the treated area. For example, therapy with facial fibroblasts requires about 10 milliliters of suspension.

The process of tissue regeneration starts within a few hours after the procedure. Gradually, the skin is saturated with useful substances that are produced by the transplanted young cells. It straightens out, becomes supple, full and radiant. After a while, small wrinkles are smoothed out. However, the first really noticeable positive changes appear in a month and a half – the process of self-rejuvenation still takes time! The procedure has a long-term, cumulative effect, which will gain full strength in about a year after the end of the course of procedures.

Clinic “Abrielle” provides its clients with a unique opportunity to turn the biological clock back. You can order a servant for cryogenic storage of fibroblasts. To do this, you must conclude an agreement with “Pokrovsky bank of stem cells”, then the biological material is taken according to the already described scheme, and the fibroblasts are frozen in liquid nitrogen. The very same procedure of cellular rejuvenation, you can go through any amount of time.

So, you have a unique chance to discover the secret of eternal youth! Thanks to the technology of cellular rejuvenation, you can not only hide the signs of aging, you will eliminate the cause of this phenomenon! We can guarantee that after completing the course of procedures, you will more than once catch admiring glances and hear compliments regarding your appearance! And the secret will be simple – rejuvenation from the inside!

Contraindications are possible, consult a specialist.

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