How is measles, rubella, mumps vaccination tolerated: reviews, side effects

How is measles, rubella, mumps vaccination tolerated: reviews, side effects

Caring parents need to know when and what vaccinations are needed for a young child. In addition, they must have an idea of ​​how the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine is tolerated in order to adequately respond to the reaction of the child’s body.

How is the PDA vaccine tolerated

The first complex injection is given to a healthy child at 12 months. Your child’s body may respond differently to the vaccine.

How the measles, rubella and mumps vaccine will be tolerated depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.

In 10% of cases, after an injection, a child may develop:

  • coryza;
  • headache;
  • lack of appetite and sleep disturbance;
  • slight increase in body temperature and weakness;
  • redness of the throat.

These symptoms should go away in 2 to 3 days. In addition, redness and swelling may appear in the area of ​​vaccination. In order for the child to undergo the vaccination more easily, it is enough to use anti-inflammatory antipyretic and antiallergic drugs.

How children tolerate vaccination at 6 years old

At this age, secondary vaccination against MMR is done. The injection is injected into the liver area, under the scapula, or into the right shoulder. In addition to signs of a mild viral disease, there may appear:

  • an allergy in the form of a rash at the vaccination site or all over the body;
  • bronchitis;
  • sore throat;
  • otitis.

This reaction occurs as a result of patient misbehavior before or after vaccination.

Side effects on the rubella component

On this component, in rare cases, there is an increase in lymph nodes and redness at the injection site. A slight increase in temperature and the appearance of pain in the joints are allowed.

Reaction to the element of mumps vaccination

The vaccine component can cause toxic reactions, which are accompanied by high fever and poor health. A side effect is also damage to the nervous system, then the child feels a headache, general weakness, convulsions and vomiting may appear.

Complications of the measles vaccine

In most cases, it is the measles component of the injection that leads to complications. From the 6th to the 11th day, a toxic reaction may appear, which is accompanied by a high fever, rash, sore throat and weakness. In rare cases, the inflammatory process can affect the nervous system, leading to seizures and signs of brain inflammation. In severe cases, there may be anaphylactic shock and Quincke’s edema.

In case of such signs, immediately contact a specialist.

There are many conflicting reviews about the effects of vaccination. But negative rates after vaccination do not compare with the dangerous consequences of refusing it.

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