Modeling / strength exercises and endurance exercises are the most common types of exercise. Hence, it is worth knowing what they are characterized by, what task they perform, and which physical activities are among them.
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Not every person who uses the free training plans available on the Internet has enough extensive knowledge in the field of human physiology, sports theory or biochemistry to independently assess whether the exercises performed by them are meeting the training goal set for themselves. Hence, it is worth learning the basic information about the main types of physical exercises, which at first glance will allow you to assess the usefulness of a given training plan in terms of the training goal you have set for yourself.
What is cardio?
Endurance exercise (cardio) primarily affects the circulatory and respiratory systems of the body. The participation of the movement apparatus (muscles, joints and ligaments) in the performed exercises is a measure necessary to stimulate the above-mentioned systems. Cardio exercises primarily contribute to improving the endurance of the body. In addition, their side effect is the oxidation of adipose tissue. Hence, they should dominate the training plan supporting the process of weight reduction. Cardio exercises include: running, swimming, cycling, as well as exercising on an elliptical cross trainer and a stepper.
Modeling / strength exercises tasks
Modeling / strength exercises primarily affect the muscles, especially those that are particularly involved in performing a given exercise. What is extremely important, they can affect the muscle tissue in a variety of ways. And so, with the help of modeling / strength exercises, you can stimulate muscles towards their growth, and thus increase the strength they generate. You can also shape your muscular endurance. Developing this motor skill contributes to slimming and modeling the stimulated parts of the body. The modeling / strength exercises include exercises such as: push-ups, crunches, squats (exercises with the weight of your own body) and all exercises using external loads, for example dumbbells and various types of multi-gyms.
What should be remembered
First of all, it should be remembered that regardless of which of the above-mentioned types of exercises is included in the training, before starting to perform them, you should warm up. It is equally important to do some stretching exercises at the end of each workout, no matter what type of exercise you are exercising. It is also worth remembering that not every modeling / strength exercise leads to muscle growth. It all depends on its parameters, namely the number of repetitions, the load used, or the duration of breaks between individual series. Despite the prevailing ‘fashion’, it is worth bearing in mind that various types of ‘crunches’ do not contribute to the reduction of unnecessary fat from the abdomen. This training goal is achieved by cardio exercises.
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Damian Yefremienko Coach
Master of physical education with a training specialty, graduate of postgraduate studies in dietetics and nutritional counseling at the Medical University in Poznań, doctoral student at the Department of Sport Theory of the University of Physical Education in Poznań, physical recreation instructor specializing in strength exercises, would-be physiotherapist. scientific. He hates mediocrity and cursory problem solving. Personalization and a holistic approach to the patient are “obvious obvious” for him. She loves to share her knowledge and is eager to expand it. He is most interested in all issues related to the physiology of exercise. Passionate about mountain tourism and new technologies
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