How is a pregnancy test done?

A variety of types and modifications of pregnancy tests offered by the modern pharmaceutical industry can satisfy any consumer demand. However, the rules for using the various tests are almost identical. To use the test correctly, you should carefully read the instructions and follow their instructions exactly. This will avoid incorrect application, minimize the likelihood of error.

There are general rules for using tests that are common to all types and modifications of these products.

How to do a pregnancy test yourself:

  • A high quality test produced by a reputable pharmaceutical company should be used. Recommended brands: Eva, Bee-Sure-S, ClearBlue, Frautest, BB-test, Ulta, Duet, Evitest.

  • The test is stored in the dark at room temperature until it is used. It is forbidden to store it in the refrigerator, otherwise the system, which has lost its properties due to low temperature, will show an incorrect test result.

  • The package is opened before using the test, it is not necessary to do this in advance.

  • For testing, urine collected immediately after a night’s sleep is used. To get correct results when using daytime urine, you need to refrain from urinating for at least 3 hours.

  • For research using a test, you can use morning urine a little later if it is stored for several hours in the refrigerator.

  • Before testing, you should collect morning urine in a jar, mix it. The following actions depend on the type of system used: drop 4 drops of urine into the window on the tablet specially designed for this purpose, substitute the test under the stream of urine (when using the inkjet test), dip the test strip into the urine for 10 seconds.

  • To obtain a result, you need to hold the test strip in a horizontal position for 3-5 minutes. Two stripes, even if one of them is thin and barely visible, is a positive result, that is, the woman is pregnant. One line – no pregnancy. No stripes – testing will have to be repeated due to an invalid test. After 5 minutes, it will definitely not be possible to evaluate the result obtained, since it will be incorrect. If a digital pregnancy test is used, it is connected to a computer. After a short period of time, the test result will appear on the screen of the tablet in the form of the words “pregnant”, “non pregnant” (literally “pregnant”, “not pregnant”), or the signs “+” and “-”. The advantages of the digital test are that when using it, there is no doubt about the interpretation of the result with an implicitly expressed second strip. Its result is recorded on the screen and stored for as long as the woman needs.

These rules are equally effective when using systems of any modification. However, various pregnancy tests have their own characteristics, reflected in the instructions. It is carefully read and exactly follow the instructions on all points.

How and what kind of urine should be taken for a pregnancy test?

For testing, you need to take urine obtained in the morning, immediately after the woman woke up. Urine is collected in a clean container, mixed. Careful observance of intimate hygiene before urination is not required, although it is not prohibited. For any type of pregnancy test, a sample of morning urine will provide the most accurate readings. If it is not possible to use urine immediately, it can be stored in the refrigerator, and only then used for testing.

If an urgent test is needed, use urine collected at any time of the day. In order to obtain a correct result in this case, urine collected after a three-hour abstinence from urination is used. It is advisable not to drink any liquid during this time period. The rules for using urine are the same – collect urine in a container, mix it, and test it. Intimate hygiene is not required here either.

Can I take a pregnancy test right after intercourse?

No, such a tactic of testing for pregnancy immediately after unprotected contact does not make sense. The result obtained as a result of such a study will be incorrect.

The testing procedure is based on the determination of the content of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in the urine. This hormone begins to be produced after the fetal egg is fixed in the endometrium of the uterus. For conception to occur, it takes at least 2-3 days from the moment of sexual intercourse. This is how long it takes for the fertilized egg to move from the fallopian tube into the uterine cavity. The most sensitive pregnancy test is unable to fix it before the second week of the gestational period begins and enough hCG is produced. That is why the use of test strips to determine pregnancy immediately after sexual contact does not make sense.

Can I take a pregnancy test during the day?

Yes, it is theoretically possible, although the accuracy of the result in this case cannot be guaranteed – the probability of obtaining false negative indicators is too high. The most accurate and informative, after all, a test using morning urine, since it contains the maximum hCG.

The daily portion of urine is less concentrated in terms of the content of chorionic gonadotropin, since it is diluted by the liquid and food taken by the woman. The testing process is based on the determination of hCG in the urine, which is significantly lower in the daily portion of urine. This circumstance leads to a high probability of obtaining false negative results. To increase the concentration of pregnancy hormone, you should refrain from urinating.

Can I take a pregnancy test in the evening?

Yes, testing can be done in the afternoon, and even in the evening, although morning urine is most suitable for this. In testing done in the evening, a false negative result may be obtained, although pregnancy is still present. This is due to a reduced concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin in any urine other than that obtained immediately after a night of abstinence from urination. The liquid drunk during the day dilutes the urine, reducing the concentration of hCG in it, which leads to an incorrect result.

If the situation requires an urgent test, and it cannot be transferred to the morning, you should refrain from urinating for at least 3 hours. At the same time, the concentration of urine will increase, and an accurate result can be expected.

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