How interesting and correct to tell fairy tales to children
Every mother can learn the art of telling fairy tales beautifully and fascinatingly. For the baby, the stories told by the lips of the mother will be remembered for a lifetime.
Do children need to tell fairy tales
The time parents spend with their baby is priceless. This has a great influence on the formation of the personality of a little person. Telling fabulous stories to his child, mom or dad teach him to understand what good and evil are, how to act in certain situations.
You can tell fairy tales not only before bedtime.
This pastime develops imagination and imagination, enriches vocabulary, teaches you to correctly express your thoughts. In this way, you can easily instill in children love and respect for animals, flowers and the whole world.
Children who, from a young age, constantly listened to fairy tales improvised by their parents, show great talent for writing and oral storytelling. It is much easier for such babies to overcome their fears associated with darkness, death, the evil Baba Yaga and other creatures.
How interesting and correct to tell fairy tales
An improvised oral individual fairy tale is a special genre. This is the very opposite of conventional literary works. If parents do not know how to compose such tales, this must be learned. There are many helpful tips:
- Prepare the topic of the story in advance and think about what conclusions can be drawn from it.
- Make a story plan, think over the appearance and character of the main character.
- Rehearse the finished story in front of a mirror or toys. You can tell it about yourself.
- Tell colorfully and enthusiastically, describing various little things, but do not delay. The kid cannot keep his attention for a long time in one lesson.
- Ask the kid questions, listen to his opinion, ask what he would like to hear next time, invite him to also fantasize and come up with the adventures of the main characters.
Kids prefer fairy tales in which they are the main characters. They also love stories about their favorite toys, which find themselves in various comical situations and surprises.
Parents need to remember that there are no stories wrongly told. The kid will be happy to listen to a fairy tale invented by you, so you should not worry during the story. The main thing is to tell with passion and enthusiasm, making sure that the little person does not get bored.
Knowing how to tell fairy tales, you can easily transfer your baby to the world of fantasy and exciting adventures.