How I got under control of Type XNUMX Diabetes

Here is a guy who made it – people think looking at Rafał Nejman. A few years ago, the 35-year-old from Poznań reminded a bodybuilder of a chubby teddy bear more than a bodybuilder. Despite weighing up to 123 kg, he ate fast food, chips and drank cola. He felt great, so when he found out that he had type 2 diabetes, his world was in ruins. Rafał Nejman has been fighting for recovery for several years. Today the results are model. Doctors ask incredulously if he has diabetes, and friends of friends are lining up for nutritional advice.

I had a very comfortable life in order. I studied, the business developed, there was no shortage of money. I went to restaurants several times a week, because business talks were held at the plate. I was completely oblivious to how quickly I was gaining weight.

I did not practice sport, although before I moved to Poznań as a young man, I trained a lot. However, moving to a big city and living in difficult conditions meant that I gave up my passion for sports. The only pleasure for the body has become eating. The lack of sports makes a person look for relaxation in a good dinner.

I could start my day with fast food and end my day in the same restaurant. A friend of mine in the car was a wrapping of chocolate candy and cola.

In seven years I have grown a lot, about 40 kg in total.

The first hundred

When a man gets on the scale for the first time and sees a “hundred”, he starts to wonder about himself. But if there is a packet of chocolate candies in perspective, then these thoughts do not take too serious a form in your head.

A couple of times I said: Monday is over, I’m going on a diet. But then the hand broke. When you see this “hundred” on the scale several times, you get used to it. There were some attempts to lose weight, yes. I used the typical “MŻ” approach, ie “eat less”. I tried to eat as little as possible and managed to shed some pounds, but of course shortly thereafter the effect was that the bad weight returned.

I haven’t tested myself. I was the enemy of doctors. I wasn’t sick, I didn’t have any ailments. Sometimes I only used a blood pressure monitor when I was visiting my family. Although it was too high, I explained it to myself that these unprofessional cameras for a few pennies do not show correct results.

Getting up at night

At the turn of 2008 and 2009, I weighed 123 kg. It kind of worried me, but in the end I got into it on a daily basis. Every evening I had a liter bottle of Coke by my bedside. When I woke up, the bottle was empty. It began to bother me that I wake up to the toilet several times a night. After a short time, pain in my calves started to hit me. It made me wonder. It was not the pain of soreness or the pain when walking up or down stairs. The calves ached non-stop.

First, what does a person do in such a situation? Of course, he is looking at the internet. One of the results that came out was diabetes. I started to think logically and suddenly everything started leading me to this diabetes.

Get rid of bad thoughts

I panicked. On the same day, at all costs, I made an appointment with the doctor. I wanted to get rid of the bad thoughts about the disease as soon as possible, because I couldn’t go to sleep with her. After the interview, the doctor, who was very kind, announced that both the symptoms I am talking about and my appearance of the chubby bear indicate that it is diabetes. Ultimately, however, the diagnosis will be confirmed by a morning fasting blood test.

I was to experience this evening just like any other. I was not to starve myself and not cheat. So I spent the evening with chips, chocolate candies, chocolate and beer. I ate in advance, because you don’t know what will happen tomorrow.

The innocent symptoms of tumors

«Diabetes mellitus like a bull»

In the morning, on an empty stomach, I did a blood test. I was incredibly stressed. I wanted to somehow kill this waiting time for results. In the meantime, I joined a popular noodle fast food chain. I remember it to this day, because this macaroon was supposed to stand in my throat a moment later.

When I returned to the lab for the results, the lady handing over the card said: Diabetes like a bull (300 mg / dL on an empty stomach).

What now?

I, a man who had been afraid of the needle all my life, imagined that I would have to inject myself with insulin. In an instant, I was a psychic wreck. Just as I thought they would have to stay in the hospital, my legs buckled under me.

I immediately went to see my doctor. She looked at the results and says it’s non-insulin dependent diabetes, which is type 2.

“Phew,” I say, “I won’t have to take insulin.” To which the doctor replied that no “phew”, because if I was taking insulin, it would be much easier for me to equalize my sugar level. Meanwhile, in my situation, its level will depend on how I approach this disease.

The doctor explained to me what the glycemic index and the carbohydrate exchanger are. I was given a blood glucose meter and an order to check myself every three or four months. And most importantly: I was supposed to lose weight.

The doctor is not a dietitian, he is not a life coach, so I couldn’t count on more information.

The doctor measured my glucose level with a glucometer. I was four hours after eating pasta and my sugar level was 580 mg / dL. The norm two hours after eating is 140.


I was immediately given an insulin injection to get the alarming blood sugar level back up. I did not stay in the hospital, because there was no such threat, and the amount of ketone bodies in the body that caused pain in the calves was minimal.

I was barely able to get home, couldn’t cope with opening the door. After insulin, my blood sugar dropped to normal, and I was “walking on walls”. Only then did I see how much my body is addicted to bad sugar levels.

It scared me. I realized that I could carry “this” within me for a long time. Since my body no longer remembers what it is like to feel healthy, have the sugar level at the right level …

  1. If you want to support the maintenance of normal blood sugar levels, reach for the GLYCABIANE PiLeJe sugar supplement with cinnamon.

Rafał Nejman before the diagnosis and today. Photo

Irreversibly sick

When I realized that I was diagnosed with type XNUMX diabetes, my world turned over.

The thought pops up in your head that I am irreversibly ill. I felt inferior, as if punished for wrongdoing. I had in front of me a huge list of prohibitions, warnings, a table of complications. I was completely devastated. «Now I will just drift and my life plans will be ruined. I will not achieve anything more », I thought.

Today I know that type XNUMX diabetes is due to the lifestyle you lead. It is a pathology of metabolism, a disease of obese people. I bred it myself.

10 kg less

On the same day I made a decision that it is high time to get back to sport. The next day I bought T-shirts, shorts, sports shoes. But I couldn’t start exercising that quickly. The doctor said I had to wait for my blood glucose (fasting sugar) to drop to 200 units. Otherwise, I can kill myself.

Immediately after that, I ended up with a dietitian. In the first month I lost 10 kg, although living with a card and on an extremely restrictive diet was a torment for me.

Very little carbohydrate and dry, very low-fat meat – it was not a good diet.

Every morning I got up and took my sugar. I used a glucose meter morbidly (which diabetic didn’t handle it?). I avoided carbohydrates, although bad fats are much more harmful.

Nevertheless, I was able to bring my glycaemia to lower levels.

Three minutes on the treadmill

Then I decided: I am starting to work on myself. I remember it like today: my first workout in the gym, I go on the treadmill, and after three minutes I’m sitting in the locker room, bent in two. It turned out that my heart rate is from outer space. These were dramatic moments, but I didn’t give up.

Each subsequent training session was a bit longer. Then I started learning strength training to repair my body. I was doing it the worst possible, because without any special preparation.

I started looking for a sport that would kidnap me and make me not think about complications.

About a year after my diagnosis, I returned to handball, just like in the old days. Today I run an amateur handball club in Poznań. About 100 people train with us.

Tame the disease

When I got sick, I tried to get rid of the ailment immediately. I wanted to chase her away, just like a wasp strikes a glass of sweet soda. From today’s perspective, I know that this is not possible. Since I have cultivated this disease for so long, now it is time to take the time to recover from it.

It took me a long time to understand this disease and find a treatment for it. But it worked.

  1. To maintain the proper level of glucose in the blood, it is worth reaching for Insuliniv ™ YANGO for the correct level of glucose in the blood – a natural dietary supplement available on Medonet Market.

Experiments, trial and error

People say that diabetics are drawn to sweetness and that it is the result of an illness. Nothing could be more wrong. Diabetics eat sweets because if they go on a restrictive diet that is supposed to bring quick results, they end up failing to stand up and control themselves. The hand grabs the bar itself.

Therefore, after a heavy diet prescribed by a dietitian, I decided to create my own nutritional plan. I studied my metabolism and the body’s reaction to specific products. It was a continuous life with a blood glucose meter – I analyzed everything I ate. I relied on poultry, groats, rice and vegetables in my diet. I learned to cook.

If pancakes, use whole grain flour. If pasta, it’s the dark one. I had to cheat my psyche to survive.

I was a glutton, that’s true. I had to find a substitute for my favorite fast food in order not to feel inferior. I came up with something like a thick wholemeal pancake on egg whites to replace a roll. When I seasoned the beef properly, it turned out that I had created a pretty tasty burger.

Since I am a self-taught person, I had to figure it out myself. Thanks to my own diet, after two years I was able to stop taking the pills.

New life

Today I eat at least seven meals a day and conduct myself healthier than healthy people. My results are great (better than, for example, my healthy friend) and it happens that doctors do not believe that I have diabetes because it is simply not visible in the results.

Over the years, I have undergone a great external transformation. Anyway, I’m still working on my body. People see this change and come for advice themselves. «The dude is successful, you can see that what he does works,» they say.

So I write out a diet for some people, I advise them on how to exercise. On Facebook, I started a Fanpage (I won with diabetes), where I help diabetics fight their disease.

I know one thing for sure – the fight against diabetes must be spread over the years, divided into stages. Throwing yourself into deep water and having no effects is demotivating. The point is to systematically set yourself small goals and enjoy your achievements.


100 grams of instant oat flakes, 1 egg, 4 egg whites, mustard, soy sauce, curry, hot pepper, grape seed oil or PAM.

Mix the egg and egg whites thoroughly. We add spices and mix again. Then add the flakes and mix until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Apply a minimum amount of oil to the pan or spray PAM. The resulting mass is best put in pancake molds (then the bread is higher) and after a while the dish is ready.

Protein: 38 gr; carbohydrates: 56 gr (GI: 40); fat: 24 gr; kcal: 520


100 grams of turkey leg, 50 grams of green pepper, 100 grams of onion, 100 grams of tomato passata, 50 grams of whole grain pasta, 10 grams of grape seed oil, a bit of soy sauce, spices: chicken seasoning, hot pepper, thyme, basil, garlic .

Pour the oil into the pan, heat it up and turn it over so that the pan is moist. Pour the rest of the oil into the bowl. For this we add chicken spices and soy sauce. Dice the meat into small cubes and put it in a bowl, mixing with oil and spices. Leave the meat in the refrigerator for an hour. Cook the pasta so that it does not overcook, and then in cold water. The meat goes to the pan. When the meat is almost fried, add the chopped onion and paprika. After frying, pour a little water over the whole and add the rest of the spices. After boiling some of the water, add the passata and stew it all for about 20 minutes.

Protein: 30 gr; carbohydrates: 44 grams of which 30 are pasta (IG 37); Fat: 14 g (only 3 g from meat); kcal: 437

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