How I cook homemade “cognac plinth” with honey: a rustic recipe

Making homemade alcohol is a long tradition passed down from generation to generation. My grandmother, for example, kept bees and often made mead. My “signature” drink is homemade cognac (well, that’s what I call it, of course, the pros will immediately say that this is a “skirting board”, hereinafter I will know my creation as cognac – do not be offended).

I cook it all the time, all my friends and acquaintances like it. It’s original, cheap and tasty. In this article I will tell you how to cook it at home.

I received such a letter from my subscriber Tatyana Fedorovna from the village of Verkhovina. I’m excited to share her recipe with you.

Why I started making alcohol at home

The habit of making alcohol at home appeared in the distant 90s, when a wave of “scorched” vodka, fake cognacs, various surrogates from poisonous spirits, etc. simply poured into stores.

In our family, alcohol has always been treated with caution, no matter what we never bought. But it was not always possible to choose something good in the store. So I decided to learn how to make drinks at home.

First I learned how to make good moonshine, clean it. And then, on its basis, she made tinctures: cherry, robin, plum, etc.

But most of all, my loved ones love homemade cognac, which I have been preparing for several years according to my own recipes. I have several of them, but I will tell you about one of them, my favorite.

What ingredients are used

I must say right away that cognac can be made both on the basis of moonshine and on the basis of alcohol, better – medical. In this case, 3 liters of alcohol (1,4%) and 96 liters of non-carbonated mineral water should be poured into a 1,5-liter jar. You should get a solution with a strength of 45%.

Necessary ingredients for a 3-liter jar:

Ingredient nameQuantity
Chopped oak bark30-40 grams
Dry (or fresh) rose hips15 pieces
Honey1 tablespoon
Raisins10 pieces
Pepper fragrant6 pieces
Carnation3-4 items

Cooking tips

If I make cognac from moonshine, then I definitely clean it.

For this I take an ordinary household carbon water filter (I have, for example, Aquaphor), the result is excellent. Fusel oils disappear, and with them the unpleasant smell.

And now a few words about oak bark. It not only saturates the drink, but also gives it a pleasant color and a peculiar taste.

In pharmacies, it is sold in different forms. If you bought the bark in the form of large hard pieces, then before putting it in a jar, you need to pour boiling water for 1 minute. After that, it will quickly give color and aroma. If the bark is crushed into shavings, you can put it right away, without scalding.

It’s great when there are fresh rose hips on hand, I just rinse them and immediately put them in a jar. But dry rose hips pre-hold in boiling water for 1-2 minutes.

I wash the raisins well in warm water. I try to put honey in liquid so that it dissolves faster. And don’t forget allspice and cloves!

I put all the ingredients in a jar, pour diluted alcohol. When all the ingredients are placed in a jar, I roll it up with an iron lid and put it in the basement for two weeks, no less.

What result

After two weeks, you can try fresh cognac. You will see that this is a clear drink with a pleasant amber color and amazing taste. Our guests never recognize a homemade drink in it the first time, they think that it is something branded.

From experience I can say that the longer it is infused, the richer and more pleasant its taste becomes. We have two or three year old cognacs at home, they are just wonderful.

This is my hobby. It allows you to significantly save money on the purchase of alcohol. I am confident in the quality of my product, it is not a shame to put it on the festive table. Try it, you will like it too!

Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to your health. Take care of yourself!

What do you think of homemade drinks? Can they compete with store-bought ones?

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