How hormones affect weight loss

Hormones control our mood, physical energy levels, appetite, and also directly affect our body composition. Some literally help to lose weight or build muscle mass, while others prevent this in every possible way. Let’s look at what hormones are the main ones in this case and how we can increase or decrease their level in order to lose weight quickly and safely.

Hormones of hunger and satiety

Leptin and ghrelin are antagonistic hormones. When your stomach produces ghrelin, you feel hungry. Leptin is synthesized in fat cells and causes a feeling of satiety. Leptin is the first to react to a too strict low-calorie diet – its level decreases. A strong drop in the level of the hormone leads to a chain reaction of negative consequences for health and weight loss. To normalize it, proper nutrition will help on the maintenance of the caloric content of the diet. And avoiding junk food and sweets will help keep ghrelin under control and better control your appetite, which will reduce the risk of overeating and help burn subcutaneous fat.

Stress hormones and antistressors

Here we list several hormones that are produced by different glands of our body, but affect our nervous system and psychological well-being. These are cortisol, epinephrine and norepinephrine, growth hormone, melatonin, and endorphins.

Stress hormones

Cortisol is the main stress hormone. Its level increases with strong nervous tension, during strict diets and prolonged exhausting workouts. Normal cortisol levels help us lose weight when we create a little stress for the body in the form of training and calorie restriction. However, its high level leads to swelling, muscle destruction and accumulation of fat on the waist. To regulate cortisol, it is recommended not to get carried away with stimulants, including coffee, refrain from many hours of training, rest, eat in a comfortable mode, and also master meditation techniques.

Epinephrine and norepinephrine are produced by the body in response to danger. With a sedentary lifestyle, they are synthesized under any stress, which leads to neuroses and problems with the cardiovascular system. To regulate these hormones, you need to exercise regularly. The best helpers will be high-intensity cardio training – either 2-3 times a week for 30-45 minutes, or every day for 5-10 minutes. This will allow epinephrine and norepinephrine to be produced safely for the body. And training will increase your calorie consumption, which will help you lose weight.


Growth hormone-is responsible for the growth of bones and muscles, improves metabolism, promotes fat burning, prevents fat storage, and also resists depression and helps to cope with stress. To normalize growth hormone, it is necessary to observe a sleep regime-7-9 hours a day, train with weights – 2-3 times a week, eat enough protein, give up sweets and harmful substances.

Melatonin is a natural sedative. It regulates circadian rhythms and improves performance. A normal level of melatonin helps to tolerate stress more easily, provides vigor and productivity during the day. Although the hormone is produced exclusively at night. To regulate melatonin, you need to go to bed at the same time and fall asleep in complete darkness. Normalization of sleep and wakefulness is the only non-drug way to regulate its level.

Endorphins are hormones of joy, which not only help us to enjoy life, easily cope with difficulties and stress, but also improve the immune system. Aerobic training will help increase the level of endorphins. In foreign clinics for the treatment of depression and neurosis, running in the fresh air is part of the therapy. Aerobics will raise the level of endorphins, increase the level of activity and help to transfer the diet more easily.

Sex hormones

The main sex hormones are testosterone in men, estrogen and progesterone in women.

Testosterone provides muscle growth, physical strength, performance, and fat burning. Increase the synthesis of testosterone will help strength training, in particular, the performance of multi-joint basic exercises. A significant contribution to the regulation of its level will be made by quitting smoking and alcohol, as well as the presence of saturated fats from meat, eggs, and dairy products in the diet.

Estrogen and progesterone-the ratio of these hormones changes in women during the menstrual cycle. Lack of sex hormones leads to menstrual disorders, infertility, and metabolic problems that make weight loss impossible. To regulate estrogen and progesterone, eat right, aim for healthy weight loss, and control your stress levels.

Hormones that help regulate weight

Here, the main weight regulators are insulin and thyroid hormones.

Insulin-released after a meal to lower sugar levels and direct energy to the cells. Which cells will receive the energy depends on your lifestyle and diet. If you overuse simple carbohydrates and fats, then insulin will help you store fat. If you eat and exercise properly, it will provide your body with nutrients and help you use carbohydrates efficiently. To regulate insulin, eat right, eat small portions of food, avoid harmful substances, and exercise regularly.

Thyroid hormones-regulate metabolism, help build muscle, and provide a high level of energy. Low levels of T3, TSH, and T4 lead to a decrease in metabolism, constant fatigue, and apathy, which negates all attempts to lose weight. For regulation, do not reduce the level of available energy below 25 kcal per kilogram of dry weight, eat fish and seafood rich in iodine, replace regular salt with iodized salt.

We looked at the main hormones that affect our condition, the ability to lose weight and the speed of weight loss. Now you know how important it is to treat your body wisely, eat right and provide yourself with adequate physical activity.

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