How Hollywood stars lose weight

Celebrities spend a lot of time looking slim. But sometimes they lose weight so that skin and bones remain!

To play an AIDS electrician and rodeo cowboy part-time in the movie “Dallas Buyers Club”, Matthew had to lose almost 15 kg. As the actor himself said in an interview with Larry King: “For this role, I had to look sick.” Yes, the cheerful and tough goof, as we remember Matthew from his romantic comedies, would be out of place in this role. By the way, this role not only brought the actor an Oscar, but it seems that the directors also discovered his talent as a dramatic actor – roles in the TV series True Detective and in the film Interstellar confirmation of this: getting fat and returning to the roles of cute Matthew is not going to be charming yet.

The actress made sacrifices for the role of Fantin in the musical Les Miserables: she not only lost almost 14 kg, but also cut her hair. It is worth saying that for Ann this weight was not particularly superfluous – she is already slender. During the filming, rumors even began to circulate that the actress was literally starving herself, so her agent had to refute them, saying that Anne “is on a special diet, because she needs to look appropriate to play a prostitute dying of tuberculosis.” Then Ann said that she managed to lose 5 kg before filming and almost 9 more during the filming, and her diet was really very special: a couple of thin slices of oatmeal briquettes a day. Unsurprisingly, after two weeks of this diet, she was pretty convincing as a dying woman.

To play rival Natalie Portman in the film about ballerinas “Black Swan”, Mila had to quickly get rid of 9 kg. “I only have muscles, skin and bones,” the actress later complained. – I went to the mirror and said: “Oh, God!” I had no breasts, no priests – only bones. In normal life it looked terrible, but it looked pretty good on the screen. ” But another annoyance lay in wait for Mila: the weight then returned, but not in the places from which it left. According to her, everything that left the chest returned for some reason to the hips and stomach. However, according to nutritionists, this is just normal for those who do not lose weight gradually, but quickly and in extreme conditions.

For the role of hacker Lisbeth Salander in David Fincher’s film The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Rooney had to completely transform: not only cut his hair, shave half his head and insert piercings into his nose, lips and eyebrow, but also significantly lose weight. And on their own initiative. “David Fincher didn’t want me to lose weight, so I did it against him,” Rooney told The Hollywood Reporter magazine. However, you can understand the girl: the camera, as you know, is fat, and she was to be filmed in the nude. The sacrifices of the actress were partially rewarded: for this role she received nominations for the Academy Awards and Golden Globes.

In the film “Black Swan” Natalie looked a little more plump than a skeleton, and it was not only that she played a ballerina, but also that her character was, to put it mildly, mentally unstable. And with chubby pink cheeks you can’t play that. Like her co-star Mila Kunis, Natalie lost 9 kg. Weight loss secret from Natalie? A minimum of food, a maximum of physical activity. “I had never trained so much before, three to five hours a day, the role was a real challenge for me,” Natalie told Us Weekly. During the filming, the actress used a very low-calorie diet and began to look so that even director Darren Aranofsky began to ask her to eat better. “The first time after the end of filming was like this: pasta, pasta, pasta. And no training! ” – the actress recalls. But all was not in vain – for her role in “Black Swan” Natalie won the 2011 Oscar.

The rapper lost so much weight to play a football player with cancer in 2011’s Miscellaneous Things that he didn’t look good. Still, losing 25 kg is not a joke! Moreover, the weight loss was very extreme – the singer managed to do it in just nine weeks with the help of a special liquid diet and daily three-hour workouts. The artist does not take care of his body – at the dawn of his career, enemies made several bullet holes in it, but now he is tormenting himself with weight reduction. Such a desire to get used to the role is commendable, but the rapper has not yet become a great dramatic actor, alas.

What this actor did to himself for the film “The Machinist”, the word “weight loss” does not dare to call the language: Bale brought himself literally to exhaustion. The actor managed to lose 30 kg, while not having problems with being overweight, in four months, consuming no more than 275 calories per day. You can see the result in the photo: as they say, they put it in a coffin more beautifully. However, Bale is not the first time to test his body: for the movie “Batman: The Beginning” he lost 15 kg, then returned to his normal weight, and for the movie “The Dark Knight” he gained the same 15 kg, but already muscle mass. “It was every time a shock to my body, – said the actor in an interview with the BBC. “I slowed down my metabolism and then speed it up, depending on who I was going to play.”

For the role of Dina Jones, one of the Dreamettes singers in the 2006 film Dream Girls, the singer lost 9 kg. “At the beginning of filming, I was my normal weight,” she told People magazine. “I even scored a little, but then I decided to throw it off, when, according to the script, I was to play my heroine at an age – I wanted the changes to affect not only the hairstyle and makeup, I wanted real changes.” Moreover, the singer managed to lose weight in just two weeks with the help of a lemon diet. In ordinary life, Beyoncé, according to her, tries to adhere to a healthy diet with a lot of vegetables and fruits, but once a week allows herself to eat whatever she wants; usually pizza.

Over the years of his career, the actor has gained and lost weight for various roles. To play an alcoholic baseball coach in 1992’s A League of Their Own, he put on 14 kg, but then dropped it and even a little more to play the AIDS patient in the film Philadelphia next year. However, he broke all his own records when he got rid of 23 kg for the movie “Outcast”. It is not surprising, because his hero, who survived the plane crash, had to live on a desert island for several years. His diet was based on apples, coconuts and coconut milk. And of course the portions were small. Subsequently, Tom’s diet became quite popular in the United States, it was called the “Outcast” diet. And the actor himself received recognition as a specialist in weight loss: in a recent interview with Matthew McConaughey, who needed to lose weight for filming in the movie “Dallas Buyers Club”, he admitted that he turned to Hanks as an expert for advice.

The actor lost almost 15 kg to play a superhero in the 2009 film The Green Hornet. Indeed, a chubby fat man in the image of a protector of the weak and disadvantaged is somehow too extravagant. Therefore, Seth had to shrink in size. Not to say that he turned into a thin one, but nevertheless built. “No, no experimental injections,” he brushed aside. “Just diet and daily exercise.” True, then the actor returned to his usual weight when he found out that all his favorite clothes are now too big for him. And now again on the screen – a good-natured and funny “chubby”, no more superhero.

The star of the TV series “Lost” surprised many, because he did not just lose 20 kg – the actor went through a real transformation and became almost unrecognizable when preparing for the role of a fighter in the 2012 film “I, Alex Cross”. “I don’t even want to think about what dark places he had to climb, preparing for filming, in order to play the killer so convincingly in the end, but his reincarnation was simply amazing,” his co-star Tyler Perry said in an interview. Matthew’s diet consisted of white chicken, steamed broccoli, and protein shakes diluted with water. “Of course, at times I started to hate it all,” Fox recalls. “But the result impressed me – it shows what we can achieve by trying to change our body.” Not only Matthew was impressed – one of the men’s magazines invited the actor to become a consultant for the fitness column.

For the film “Courage in Fight” in 1996, Matt lost 23 kilograms in three months, and this affected his health – the actor began to have problems with the adrenal glands, and then for several more years had problems with metabolism. However, the sacrifices were worth it – the actor’s career went uphill after that, because directors Francis Ford Coppola and Steven Spielberg were delighted with his role in Courage … and then invited them to their films (Benefactor and Saving Private Ryan, respectively) … The weight loss recipe was simple – minimum food, maximum physical activity.

To play the wife of South African politician Nelson Mandela in the 2011 film “Vinnie Mandela”, the Oscar winner had to urgently get rid of the extra pounds gained during her recent pregnancy. The actress sold out so much that she lost as much as 36 kg with the help of a special program “Weight Watchers”. The result was so impressive that Jennifer was offered to become the official representative of this program. Weight Tracker is an all-American weight loss club.

It’s no secret that at the dawn of his career, Colin had problems with drugs, so when he lost 20 kg, rumors spread throughout Hollywood that the actor took up the old one. But no – Farrell was preparing for the role of a military photojournalist returning from the war in Bosnia in Sorting (2009). “I lost weight because it was necessary for the film,” he dispelled rumors during a press conference. “But it wasn’t good for your health.” The thing is that the actor needed to lose weight quickly, so for several weeks his diet consisted of coffee and a couple of pieces of tuna a day. “I felt depressed, so coffee was necessary to at least get out of bed and go to the shooting,” the actor recalls. But the reverse weight gain was given to Colin much easier: “I just ate like a pig.”

To play the punk musician and drug addict Sid Vicious in the biopic “Sid and Nancy” (1986), the actor had to lose a lot of weight. The food was not in the horse: Gary was eventually hospitalized. This is what an unbalanced diet means: for a long time the actor ate exclusively on melons and steamed fish. Gary was then unknown, he was just beginning his career in the theater. He turned down the role in this film three times, but the rather high fee and the persistence of his agent made him change his mind. In the end, the agent turned out to be right – thanks to this role, Oldman was noticed, and they began to actively offer to act.

The actor, who is already recognized by many thanks to the Bachelor Party in Vegas trilogy, but few can pronounce his last name, amazed the audience last fall when he appeared at the New York premiere of Birdman, losing weight and losing his hair. “I’m dying,” he answered with a serious face to the journalist when asked about the reason for his weight loss. But here it is worth remembering that Zach is a comedian, and he prefers black humor. And then the actor added that he began to walk a lot and gave up alcohol after he could not get up one morning. So, as the example of Galifianakis shows, a good role is not the only means that can make an actor lose weight.

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