A sensible, balanced person who goes through life with dignity and does not freak out over trifles – this is what most people dream of being. Maturity, responsibility and stability are the qualities of a harmonious personality. How to achieve this balance and learn to respect yourself?
Events that are beyond our control can knock the ground out from under our feet, deprive us of balance. It is important to be able to recover, return to a state of internal balance and harmony, despite external destabilizing factors.
“We must work on balance, maturity, self-control and drive away tyrants, manipulators, narcissism, imbalance and eternal discontent. Since we have to learn to enjoy life, it is worth appreciating this healthy search for happiness, ”says psychologist Maria Jesús Alava Reyes.
Harmony affects behavior
A balanced person means healthy. This fact must be recognized if we are to avoid such behavioral deviations as mistreatment of others, tyranny, narcissism. When we lose balance, it immediately affects our behavior. We perceive everything through the prism of negativism, the psyche suffers.
Equilibrium is not static
When we talk about the topics of balance, we do not mean something perfect and once and for all frozen, motionless. We are constantly developing. Going through life, we gain experience, make mistakes, meet other people on the path of life. We are not static beings, so balance is also dynamic. We cannot be indifferent to the events of our life. External factors leave a mark on the soul and force to change.
What does it take to achieve balance?
Who can be called a harmonious and balanced person? What is needed for this? Maybe you have already reached a balance, just not yet realized it? Here’s what you should pay attention to:
- How well do you know yourself? The answer to this question seems obvious, but many people know themselves only superficially. Take time to think about your character, personality, behavior.
- Seek balance between heart and head. This means that you should not be a very cold and inaccessible person, but you should not become too sensitive either.
- In relation to other people, be guided by both feelings and reason.
- Get rid of acquired injuries! The burden of pain, suffering from the past does not allow you to find balance in the present. Learn from the past and keep moving forward. Write a realistic life scenario. What do you want to become? What are your goals? Try to come up with projects that you can implement. Figure out what you really want. This will make you feel happy and balanced.
- How are things going with willpower? If you are a resolute, persistent and persistent person in achieving goals, if you trust yourself, then you are a harmoniously developed person.
- Develop self-confidence – a necessary quality to achieve inner balance.
- Try to be consistent. The lack of logic in actions does not contribute to stability in life and in the psyche. If you let clarity, prudence, logic into your life, you will find the desired balance.
- Does your life have meaning? If it turns out that you are not, it is unlikely that you can be attributed to harmonious personalities. Try to find the answer to the question why you get out of bed every morning, what motivates you to live.
Your balance is in your hands, you just have to want it.
Inner balance is a healthy attitude towards yourself
If you respect yourself, are tolerant of your little weaknesses and know how to enjoy simple things, then you have the right attitude towards yourself.
“Distrust of oneself leads to frustration and constant dissatisfaction with oneself. It distorts the idea of oneself, prevents one from building an internal balance and feeling confident and safe, which is so important for any individual,” comments Maria Jesús Alava Reyes.
It is quite achievable to build harmonious relationships with your own person, to find inner peace, which some call happiness. In addition, not only should our relationships with ourselves be healthy, so should our relationships with other people. If you manage to come to an agreement with yourself, this will automatically be reflected in your personal interaction with relatives, friends, colleagues or partner.