How hair grows on the head can be found at the exhibition

With the help of the most modern equipment, it is told and shown where the hair color comes from, how wavy and straight hair differ in structure, how strong a human hair is (visitors are invited to lift a three-kilogram load with the help of two hundred hairs). During a special twenty-minute film, viewers will be shown how hair grows.

At the exhibition, visitors will get acquainted with the art of hair styling in different countries of the world, hear a story about hairdressers and hairstyles of the past.

The exposition is made in such a way as to amaze at every step. Here you can sit in a special chair and see your hair enlarged a thousand times on the screen, and even see the remnants of shampoos and gels on it.

In the “Salon of Metamorphoses” with the help of a computer simulation program, they will show you, combed in the fashion of the XNUMXth century or with a haircut in bright green, and after that they will immediately be handed ready-made photographs as a souvenir.

The exhibition is taking place at the Darwin Museum and will run until July 13.

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