How gadgets take our beauty and youth

We do not let go of our smartphones, we sit at a laptop for half a day, but they can cause wrinkles. Or can’t they?

Recently, everyone began to talk about the negative impact of gadgets on beauty. This is most often attributed to the fact that the blue light that our phones and computers emit, increases the production of free radicals and contributes to the appearance of hyperpigmentation. This was revealed by French scientists, but a small number of people took part in the study, which is why not everyone considers these facts to be true. However, most beauty companies have started producing creams that can protect against the negative effects of blue light. We decided to find out from experts how gadgets can harm us and whether they contribute to early aging.

“Constant contact with gadgets can affect the human electromagnetic field. This should include not only the “radiation” itself. Visual, auditory, tactile sensations, volumes of information – all these are electromagnetic radiation that can negatively affect our nervous system, which controls all systems. An LCD monitor is no more harmful than a plasma TV. It doesn’t have a cathode ray tube that protrudes at the back. It was the back of the monitor that was the most dangerous, since all the radiation emanated from the back, ”comments Aleksey Kostenko, cosmetologist, international expert in laser technologies and medical cosmetology, certified trainer of Lutronic, Classys.

It turns out that modern gadgets and their screens are not so dangerous for our beauty, but the way we contact them can cause the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin.

Poor eyesight

No matter how anyone says that fashionable smartphones do not spoil vision in any way, all this is not true. From frequent use of the gadget, the eyes get tired, and the lens begins to bend, which leads to spasms. Often these spasms cause headaches.

Also, the blue light that the phone emits negatively affects the retina of the eye.

Decision: to cope with this, you need to take a break from gadgets and do elementary exercises for the eyes, and try to use the phone in doses so that your eyes do not start to get tired, otherwise you will start squinting, and this will lead to the appearance of wrinkles.

Mimic wrinkles

We live in the age of visualization, so it is vision and related systems that suffer the most. For example, to avoid eye fatigue, we should blink about 15 times a minute. But when we work at a computer or do not part with a smartphone, we blink 2 times less often. Facial muscles work either a lot (individual reaction to viewing news, Instagram feed) or, conversely, very little. As a result, in the area around the eyes, we have mimic wrinkles, “bruises” under the eyes or heaviness of the eyelids (blood vessels dilate due to stagnation of blood, we do not blink).

Decision: do not forget about the cream for the eye area, which will moisturize the skin.

With the help of hardware techniques, it is possible to solve existing problems with the area around the eyes. The beautician of the Delete clinic, Anna Martyanova, recommends mesobotox in combination with picosecond rejuvenation. Like any injection drug, botulinum toxin is injected with different techniques. And not only intramuscularly, but also intracutaneously, like mesotherapy, hence the name “mesobotox”. This method allows you to smooth out a fine mesh of wrinkles, while maintaining lively facial expressions.

Anna also advises taking a closer look at the PicoSure technique, which is the fastest and safest laser platform in the world. The procedure takes no more than 10 minutes! Slight redness disappears within 3-5 hours, others will not notice any traces of laser exposure. But after 10 days, pigmentation, wrinkles disappear, pores and acne scars are narrowed.

Decreased tone

Doctors noticed that due to constant contact with smartphones, tablets and laptops, the muscles of the lower third of the face and neck lose their tone, which is noticeable even in young people. As a result, the clear line of the lower jaw disappears, and sagging skin appears.

Including the neck area, in principle, is always at risk, since it is thin, devoid of subcutaneous fat. Horizontal wrinkles, “rings of Venus”, are a genetically transmitted problem, but the constant tilt of the head and lack of proper care stimulates the formation of creases and loss of tone.

Decision: “If horizontal wrinkles have already appeared, it is almost impossible to get rid of them with cosmetic products. That is why, for prophylactic purposes, today it is recommended to carry out SMAS-lifting on the Ultraformer apparatus according to indications even at the age of 30+. This technology affects all layers of the skin, including the “lower floor” – the subcutaneous fat, which melts under the action of high-intensity ultrasonic waves. That is, in this way, you can also correct a small second chin, flews and make the “chubby cheeks” more sculpted. And the quality of the skin will be much higher, ”says Alena Shoikh, chief physician of the Renew clinic.

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