How Fiber Can Help Prevent Stroke

The belief that a high-fiber diet can prevent certain diseases dates back to around the 1970s. Today, many serious scientific communities confirm that consuming significant amounts of fiber-rich foods can help prevent obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases such as stroke.

Stroke is the second most common cause of death worldwide and the leading cause of disability in many developed countries. Therefore, stroke prevention must be a key priority for global health.

Studies have shown that an increase in dietary fiber by as little as 7 grams per day is associated with a significant 7% reduction in the risk of stroke. And it’s not difficult: 7 grams of fiber is two small apples with a total weight of 300 grams or 70 grams of buckwheat.


How does fiber help prevent stroke?

Dietary fiber helps lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels. A high fiber diet means we eat more fruits and vegetables and less meat and fat, which lowers blood pressure and also improves digestion and helps us stay slim.

Stroke prevention starts early.

Someone can get a stroke at the age of 50, but the prerequisites leading to it have been formed over decades. One study that followed people for 24 years, from 13 to 36 years old, found that decreased fiber intake during adolescence was associated with hardening of the arteries. Scientists have found nutrition-related differences in arterial stiffness even in children as young as 13. This means that already at a young age it is necessary to consume as much dietary fiber as possible.

How to properly diversify your diet with fiber?

Whole grains, legumes, vegetables and fruits, and nuts are the main sources of fiber useful for the body.

Be aware that suddenly adding too much fiber to your diet can contribute to intestinal gas, bloating, and cramps. Increase your fiber intake gradually over several weeks. This will allow bacteria in the digestive system to adapt to the changes. Also, drink plenty of water. Fiber works best when it absorbs fluid.

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