The environment in which children grow up means a lot to them. And even how we communicate with family members and how we treat them affects the child’s ability to learn new words and speak correctly. The expert talks about how these factors are related.
In order for a child to develop harmoniously, it is necessary to create a favorable environment around him. That is, one that will help progress and support it. Here are a few points that are important to consider for parents and loved ones.
Human needs human
The speech of the child is formed in communication with the people around him. Therefore, it is important that they carefully consider the child, sincerely interested in him.
Without support there will be no development
A healthy family is the best environment for the development of a child. This is easy to see if we compare the level of development of “home” and “orphanage” children.
Even if a child is born with outstanding abilities, the lack of interest and constant support from significant adults with regrettable frequency leads to delays or deformations (when some qualities are overdeveloped and others not developed at all) in the development of the child.
Up to three years, the mother is the main
The “psychological umbilical cord”, which connects the child with the mother after birth, has a huge impact on its development. Up to three years, the child is very dependent on the mother and her psychological state. This means that the mother’s anxieties, her stresses and depression are reflected in him.
The unstable psychological state of the mother leads to delays in the speech development of the child, so the mother must monitor her mental health, and the rest of the family should help her.
Until the age of seven, family is most important
A small child imitates loved ones, repeats movements, copies the manner of speaking. In this moving “mirror” we can see ourselves from the outside – and see not only positive moments, but also mistakes.
Watching the child, you can guess in which family he grows up. Even if a child goes to a preschool institution, where they explain the rules of behavior, instill social skills, work with him, the influence of the family at this age is still stronger.
Try to invest in children as much as possible before puberty, because then the authority of the parents falls and peers come first.
Rules of conduct in the family
Here are a few rules, the observance of which will help create favorable conditions for the development of your child’s speech, as well as avoid mistakes.
What can and should be done:
- be interested in what the child says, actively engage in communication;
- listen to the child, answer questions, talk on various topics, read books with the child;
- talk to the child calmly, kindly, with respect;
- smile while talking
- keep a distance – do not order, do not impose your topics for conversation and your point of view;
- be flexible – listen to his opinion, support the discussion of topics that are significant to him.
What can not be done:
- yell at a child
- ignore it;
- scandal and quarrel with him, use profanity.
Very often, speech problems in a child are caused by relationships in the family, the atmosphere in which he is. It depends on adults whether they can correct mistakes, look at raising a child differently.
Of course, it is not so easy to “see the beam in your own eye”, to soberly assess and see the problems that need to be worked on. It is even more difficult to change yourself, your habitual behavior. Nevertheless, for the sake of the well-being of the child, for the sake of his development, everything possible can and should be done.
“Speech therapy practice” by Elena Yanushko
The series “Speech therapy practice” is aimed at developing the correct pronunciation in children aged 5-7 years. The series has already released 4 albums, each dedicated to a particular sound. Albums of the Speech Therapy Practice series do not require additional aids.
All tasks are supported by illustrations, on the last page there is a coloring by numbers. On the inside of the cover there is an illustrated speech gymnastics, which is recommended to be performed before each class. At the end of the album there is a cut-out diploma confirming that the child has learned to pronounce certain sounds.
About the Developer
Elena Yanushko – teacher-innovator, speech therapist.