Before deciding on a procedure that will save you from having to paint every day, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with its results.
Not wasting time on makeup every morning and at the same time looking beautiful and well-groomed is the dream of every woman. And thanks to the advent of permanent makeup and highly skilled craftsmen, the dream can now be easily realized.
One of the popular options for permanent makeup is eye (or eyelid) tattooing. It can be between the eyelashes and in the form of an arrow (regular or with shading). This procedure will help to emphasize the shape of the eyes and make them more expressive. Permanent make-up is the introduction of special pigments into the upper layer of the skin using a needle, creating a permanent make-up that will last from 1,5 to 10 years!
The arrow or drawing of the space between the eyelashes can be made in any color and size according to your wishes, as well as the shape of the eyes, their fit, the color and length of the eyelashes.
Despite the fact that the procedure is considered completely harmless, it has a number of limitations, including pregnancy, diabetes mellitus, subject to insulin intake, epileptic seizures and other diseases. Therefore, before the procedure, be sure to consult with a specialist. Moreover, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the results of the master’s work and discuss in advance all the features of the tattoo.
In addition to the fact that the procedure is painful, if you do not like the result or just get bored, you will have to resort to removal with a laser or chemicals. Therefore, carefully weigh the pros and cons and see a selection of pictures before and after permanent makeup of ordinary women with different shapes and colors of eyes.