How else to use tea bags

Lovers of tea bags can justify the cost of packaging by not throwing away used tea bags right away. They can be reused – there are many ways to make tea bags useful even after use. This should be done, however, within the next 24 hours, a closed vacuum used tea bag can be stored in the refrigerator for a week.

  • Relieve swelling

Tea can relieve swelling, and used tea bags, especially chilled ones, will reduce bruises under the eyes and remove traces of excessive fluid intake the day before. Apply the bags under your eyes and your face will be transformed within 5 minutes.

  • Reduce bruising

Tea brewing will help to significantly reduce the manifestations of a blow or bruise. Instead of applying ice, use a tea bag immediately after the incident or throughout the day after the bruise appears – the bruise will be significantly reduced and there is a possibility that its color will not be as intense.

  • Soothes the skin

Tea bags will also help from the aggressive effects of direct sunlight, from small rashes and redness. Prepare a bath with tea bags, apply and wipe your face with them in the country or on vacation.

  • Reduce toothache

If you need to have a toothache before going to the dentist, tea bags can help soothe it. Apply the tea bag to the aching tooth and press it lightly. The pain will subside significantly.

  • Eliminates harsh odors

Unpleasant odors from food in the kitchen or in your fridge are easily absorbed by used tea bags. Place them on a plate and place by the trash can or on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

  • Marinate meat

Tea bags can be used as a marinade for meat. Re-brew a few bags with boiling water, let it brew, and then marinate the pulp with your favorite spices. Also, the used tea bag can be added to the pot where the broth is brewed – the meat will become softer and more flavorful.

  • Will renew the parquet

The beauty of parquet flooring requires careful maintenance. If you don’t want to use chemical cleaning products, use tea bags. Put them in a bucket of water and gently wipe dirt off the parquet with a damp cloth.

  • Will wash the dishes

This method will help in nature or if the dishwashing detergent runs out abruptly. Tea perfectly neutralizes grease and washes away stubborn stains. To do this, soak the dishes in warm water, to which 3-4 tea bags are added.

  • Will nourish the soil

Instead of buying special fertilizers, you can tear up an old tea bag, pour the old tea leaves into the ground and loosen it a little, stir. For these purposes, only black tea without additives is suitable. Then gently field the potted flowers and enjoy the result.

  • Protect against pests

In your garden or summer cottage, tea bags will help fight small pests and insects. Bury the old bag in the ground next to the flowers, removing the piece of paper and the iron clip from it. While the bag will decompose in the ground for six months, insects will bypass this area.

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