When buying milk in a store, you cannot guess which brand should be preferred. We’ll have to act empirically and check the purchased milk at home in order to continue to buy only high-quality.
Checking supplements
Blot a piece of paper with purchased milk. Now put a drop of lemon juice or vinegar on this piece of paper. Chemical reactions such as hissing, bubbling, or carbon dioxide indicate that there are additives in the milk.
Checking for starch
Pour milk into a cup and drop iodine into it. If the milk turns blue, there is starch in the composition. Normal good milk will turn yellow.
Checking for water availability
Pour water into a transparent glass and drop milk into it. Look through the walls of the glass as the milk spreads in the water. Milk diluted with water will quickly dissolve, and whole milk will first sink to the bottom, and only then will it disperse.