How dreams come true: a Taoist technique for realizing intentions

Those events of our life that we are able to imagine, may well be realized. But our task is to choose a “layer of reality” in which this is possible. How to do it? We share the secrets of Taoist sages.

In Western European culture, it is customary to separate the bodily life from the spiritual component: if you dream of something (and this is not related to winning the Olympics), then the body seems to have nothing to do with it. In the Taoist tradition, it is customary to believe that any practice begins with work with the body – and ends with it. And when you set yourself some kind of task, this implies both spiritual and emotional, as well as bodily changes. Why?

Taoists are convinced that any new achievement is associated with the transformation of the person himself. For example, someone has been renting a house all his life, and then he decided to get his own house. This means that in his life there is not only a new apartment (and, possibly, a mortgage), but also a new state – the state of the homeowner. Accordingly, in order for the apartment to still appear, you need to find this state, “activate” it.

This requires changes both at the level of consciousness and at the level of the body. It must “adapt” to new challenges and opportunities. What must change in the body in order for a person to embark on the path of change?


The new state is associated with new discoveries. For example, in the case of an apartment, it is necessary to understand the sea of ​​information – to discover a “new world” of interaction with real estate. In which areas what is being built, which of them are promising, where the infrastructure is better and the quality of buildings is higher, what are the prices, how to deal with realtors, what utility bills will cost … And a million more different details.

To do this, you need to see the whole picture as clearly and accurately as possible. And in order to clearly see the situation, a “clear head” is important. This state in the Taoist tradition is associated with the active point Yu Jen at the base of the skull. Accordingly, to implement a new task, it is necessary to work with the neck – perhaps contact an acupuncturist. Or master relaxation exercises that will open, relax, and energetically nourish the region of the first cervical vertebra.


The second success factor in any endeavor is the energy that you can invest in a new business. Where can I get it? To do this, there are various practices such as neigong, but they need to be mastered at more advanced levels.

For a person who is not engaged in oriental practices, the main task is to “unleash” the energy that he already has. Send it into circulation, to a new business. What needs to be done with the body for this?

In the Taoist tradition, it is believed that our energy reserve is stored in the pelvis – at the very bottom of the abdomen. In order to “release” energy from there and allow it to easily rise, nourishing the body and spirit, the pelvic area and lower back must be relaxed, plastic and free.

By the way, the emotion that fetters this area and interferes with the circulation of energy is fear. So in any undertaking that causes you anxiety, according to the Taoists, it is especially important to work with the pelvis and lower abdomen. To relax this area and release energy for new achievements, you can do gymnastics for the spine Sing Shen Juang. And for girls, there are powerful, energy-liberating female Taoist practices.


According to Taoist ideology, in our world there is a stream of heaven (some kind of divine will) and a stream of earth (energy, strength in its purest form). Only a person is able to unite them: this is what contributes to the realization of intention.

Above, we looked at how to activate the lower and upper active points of the body so that they pass both streams. And how, one wonders, to combine these energies so that they merge (and, as a result, dreams begin to come true)?

Both streams meet in the area of ​​the solar plexus – the so-called “girdle channel” of the body passes through this zone. In order for them to unite, the region of the solar plexus and lower ribs must also be free, relaxed, able to “let through” the flow of energies. And acupuncture in combination with qigong can also help with this.

The goal of qigong, which, it would seem, works with the body, is the success of a person on all fronts. And the road to it begins with the activation of health and the qualitative flow of qi energy through the channels. The body, through which energy flows freely, can easily be transformed for each new task. It becomes flexible and strong, which is necessary not only for physical health, but also for the implementation of positive changes in life.

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