How does toothpaste work for tooth sensitivity?

A stabbing toothache that travels all the way to the brain is a thing of the past. Dentistry has found a perfect remedy for this ailment – a special toothpaste.

Many tooth sensitivity sufferers suspect that they need treatment by a dentist. When he tells them that their teeth are healthy, they even intend to change the dentist. Only the explanation that the hypersensitivity is sometimes not visible with the naked eye, but can be effectively overcome, calms down.

Tooth sensitivity

Hypersensitivity is a pain reaction to the layer of the tooth under the enamel or root cementum. As a result of very small cavities in the enamel or the sliding of the gums, this layer is exposed to various factors. Through the dentinal tubules located in it, external stimuli irritate the nerve endings located deeper, which transmit signals to the brain. Then we feel sudden and severe pain. It is most often caused by contact with cold, hot, sweet or sour food or drinks, too vigorous tooth brushing or by touching the cervical area of ​​the tooth. The causes of hypersensitivity can be assessed by a dentist. You just need to tell him about your ailments. Most often it is enough to choose the right toothpaste. There are products on the market that are specially designed for this purpose.

Toothpaste for tooth sensitivity

In the paste that rebuilds enamel defects, a modern technology was used, initially developed for the regeneration of bone tissue. It uses natural ingredients that make up teeth and bones. Therefore, it has been successfully used in a variety of professional dental products. The calcium compound helps to rebuild sensitive tooth areas. The substance is activated in contact with saliva and releases calcium and phosphorus ions – natural building blocks of teeth. They form a durable, protective mineral layer on the surface of the exposed dentin and inside the open dentinal tubules. This layer begins to form from the first brushing and hardens with regular use of the toothpaste, preventing hypersensitivity pain. Regular use of it not only rebuilds, but also provides long-term protection of the sensitive areas of the teeth. Clinical studies show that twice-daily use of the paste provides pain relief.

Ways for sensitive teeth

A diet high in acidic foods contributes to enamel erosion, which leads to hypersensitivity. The most important rule is to avoid brushing your teeth immediately after eating fruit or drinking fruit juices, but also acidic salad dressings, vitamin C lozenges, and fizzy drinks. It is best to wait a minimum of 30 or even 60 minutes and rinse your teeth with water only. The abrasion of the enamel and the slipping of the gums may be the result of using too hard a toothbrush and incorrect brushing of the teeth. It is recommended to brush your teeth with a sweeping motion, holding the brush at an angle of 45 degrees to the gum. Under no circumstances can the bristles of the brush be directed directly at the gums, because it results in their injuries.

Text: Halina Pilonis

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