How does the subconscious mind work and what can it give to any person?

Good day, my dear readers! I would like to touch today, well, a very exciting topic. I am sure that among you there will not be those who would not want to know what the subconscious is and how it works. I was right? So, it is for you that I will try to reveal all the secrets of the human subconscious, its messages, signals, strength and influence.

All spheres of human life are influenced by consciousness and subconsciousness. We live, we think, we dream, we think. It would seem that we do all this consciously, why then the subconscious and is it needed at all?

So, consciously we do only those actions, information about which is provided to us by hearing, touch, smell, sight and taste, that is, our five senses. This fragment of the mind (consciousness), you and I can control completely. And the subconscious mind is interesting because it cannot be controlled by us and its capabilities have not been fully studied to this day.

The mysterious world of feelings and ideas

The secret of the power of this part of the mind is our thoughts! Yes, and yes again! The period of the Middle Ages with the Inquisition has sunk into oblivion, now the era of intelligence, logic, modernization, and even freedom of speech.

Well, in such favorable conditions it is impossible to launch yourself into a state of indifference and detachment from new knowledge. And no one will burn you at the stake for comprehending yourself and personal hidden opportunities. No magic — just science, common sense, psychology.

How does the subconscious mind work and what can it give to any person?

I will give a simple example, for a better understanding (of particular interest to athletes), well, maybe not only. None of you have thought about the expression:

«A fight is not lost until you have lost it in your head»

Now think, what is the head? This is the mind, these are thoughts, this is the consciousness and the subconscious.

Consciousness provides a thought (do not forget that you yourself can control this section of the intellect), the area of ​​feelings processes it, remembers it, and then “gives you” the result. Therefore, it depends on you what «result» you get.

You have to fight, you thought about it, the signal went to consciousness. Look further, your thought has not ended on this, you are still scrolling in your head, imagining, and pondering the pending event, the superconsciousness is already working here. The important thing is at what emotional level and mood it happens.

If you think like this: “Yes, okay, the opponent is more massive, sporting achievements are rather big, that’s not it, I’m definitely inferior to him in this, what to do, you won’t jump above your head, as it will be, it will be”, I can assure you — you will lose clearly. The competition hasn’t started yet, and you’ve already whistled it. That’s what needed to be proved — the power of positive knowledge is really huge and effective!

How to learn to think correctly?

How does the subconscious mind work and what can it give to any person?

All changes are painstaking work, willpower and, of course, a great desire to change something. Know that thought control is real and possible! The main thing:

  • Never dwell on negative thoughts, but switch them into a calm and positive direction
  • Do not panic, but use common sense and logical thinking
  • Learn to protect yourself from any negative influences of the outside world
  • Get rid of the habit of complaining and whining

About self-pity, I have already published an article on the blog, you can read here.

When you suddenly feel like it, remember — you get what you yourself convinced yourself and believed in.

 You always need to have the desire to achieve something better. One must be able (or learn) to dream, fantasize, dream and anticipate the taste of victories. Be ambitious.

You submit an idea, the subconscious mind receives this message and works on its implementation. The superconscious mind will look for options and opportunities for you to complete your tasks, but how successful they will be, yes, exactly, it depends only on you!

How important is self-hypnosis?

How does the subconscious mind work and what can it give to any person?

If we talk about correct or positive suggestion (self-suggestion), then I would say that this is the purification of one’s thoughts from negative influences. This process is independent and independent of any of these factors. There is only you and your inner world!

The presence of negative considerations will not cleanse you of anything, but will only clog your subconscious with unnecessary rubbish. It is always better to prevent than to change the critical result obtained, here in reality.

How many great scientists have worked on the topic of psychoanalysis, but so far no one has come to a single and correct conclusion. The famous Freud, one of the first who tried to study and connect the areas of consciousness and subconsciousness with each other. His student Jung, it would seem, should have continued and supplemented the work of his teacher, but he had new explanations, new ideas and reflections, which he successfully introduced into psychology.

Thus, opinions were divided, and they were further split by other followers: Bion, Abraham, Horney. Fromm, in general, brought psychoanalysis to the limits of higher mental activity.

We may not delve into the subtleties of psychoanalytic theories, but we cannot afford to be inexperienced with this knowledge. The level and quality of our life depends on it. After all, no matter how many theorems and hypotheses there are, one important thing has been proven and clear a long time ago:

 Everything depends on us!


Let the pessimists and superstitious people now be indignant, complain about fate, about the fate of black cats and broken mirrors, but there is only one truth — thoughts are material and you can’t get away from this, and is it worth looking for other arguments? I think it is unlikely, because a person is endowed with such tremendous power — the power of the subconscious!

Finally, I would like to wish you one thing — development. At what plan? Development does not always mean only the improvement of intellectual capabilities. You can be infinitely knowledgeable, well-read and literate, but tell me what is the use of this if you do not apply your knowledge for yourself?

Learn to use it, bring new and bright colors and emotions into your life. Learn to live in harmony with yourself and in tune with your dreams.

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