How does the skin change after childbirth (features of care)

If you are reading this article a couple of months after giving birth, you already know what happens to the skin after pregnancy. Even if something goes wrong, do not worry: with proper care, everything will be in perfect order soon.

Skin problems after childbirth

During pregnancy, not only you experienced stress, but also your skin. You won’t envy her: hormonal changes made every cell work according to new rules.

And often the skin did not cope. Proof:

  • dark spots;

  • increased dryness or, conversely, unusual fat content;

  • irritation;

  • stretch marks on the hips, abdomen and chest;

  • hair problems (yes, the scalp also got it).

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Pigmented spots

In general, pigmentation can bother at any age. And in the third trimester of pregnancy, the so-called “mask of pregnant women”, or chloasma, often appears – spots on the face, neck, and décolleté. This is due to an increase in the level of estrogen and progesterone, necessary for childbirth and lactation. These same hormones stimulate the increased production of melanin, which colors the skin in a light brown color.

Against the background of hormonal changes, the work of the pigment system is disrupted, melanin is unevenly distributed.

The culprit of pigmentation can also be a deficiency of certain substances:

  1. folic acid;

  2. vitamins B and C;

  3. copper;

  4. zinc;

  5. gland.

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Dryness and irritation of the skin

After childbirth, the skin often becomes prone to dryness and irritation. This is fine. Before childbirth, all the forces of the body are aimed at bearing a child, the hormonal system is actively working. After childbirth, estrogen production decreases.

The skin does not keep up with such changes and responds with dryness, irritation. Plus, sleepless nights, which means that the hormone of sleep and circadian rhythms, melatonin, which is also responsible for protecting against stress and premature aging, is produced in insufficient quantities. As a result, skin problems arise.

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Stretch marks (striae)

To avoid the appearance of stretch marks, skin care must be taken from the first days of pregnancy.

One of the reasons for their formation is the hormone progesterone. On the one hand, it is impossible to bear a child without it (it has a relaxing effect on smooth muscles, protecting the uterus from tone). On the other hand, progesterone weakens the connective tissue of the dermis. As a result, the skin does not keep up with the growing belly and chest, collagen and elastin fibers are torn, stretch marks appear.

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Features of facial skin care

In facial skin care, follow the usual scheme: cleansing, toning, moisturizing, taking into account skin type and existing problems. The only thing you should especially focus on in the postpartum period is enhanced UV protection.

When going for a walk, do not forget about the cream with SPF, even in winter.

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Features of abdominal skin care

Stretch marks are better to prevent (using preventive measures) than to deal with them after childbirth. But even if they appear, cosmetics will help make stretch marks less noticeable if used regularly after the baby is born.

Suitable creams with a dense texture and composition, which includes:

  • elastin;

  • collagen;

  • hyaluronic acid;

  • plant oils.

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Skin tightening exercises after childbirth

Training increases the elasticity of the skin and helps the body quickly regain lost shape. True, active fitness is not recommended for the first two months after childbirth.

For abdominal muscles

  1. Lie on your back.

  2. Place your palm on your stomach.

  3. Start breathing actively: inhale deeply through your nose, exhale forcefully through your open mouth.

  4. As you exhale, try to pull your stomach in as much as possible. Help yourself with your hand.

  5. Repeat at first 5-7 times, gradually reaching 20-25 times. Do three repetitions.

For the muscles of the buttocks

  1. Sitting on a bed or chair, tense and relax the muscles of the buttocks and pelvic floor.

  2. Repeat 10-15 times. Do 3 sets.

This exercise can only be done if you have no stitches.

For legs

  1. Sit with your back straight.

  2. Stretch your legs.

  3. Spread your heels to the sides.

  4. Stretch your toes, first away from you, then towards you.

  5. Repeat at first 5-7 times, gradually reaching 20-25 times. Do 3 sets.

    © Healthy-Food

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Hair condition in the postpartum period

Increased hair loss after childbirth is normal and can last from 2 to 6 months. The hormonal system gradually returns to its normal mode, the level of estrogen decreases, which affects the condition of the hair.

Don’t worry – along with the loss of old hair, the active growth of new ones begins.

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Cosmetic procedures for skin care

Immediately after childbirth, it is better to limit yourself to the usual cosmetic care.

Of course, you want to quickly put your face and body in order, but in the first months after childbirth it is better to limit yourself to ordinary cosmetic care. And only after the completion of breastfeeding – seriously think about the procedures offered by modern cosmetology.

  1. Mesotherapy: cocktails based on vitamins, peptides, hyaluronic acid are delivered by injection into the skin. They restore the moisture-retaining barrier and hydrobalance, as a result of which fine wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin looks fresh and radiant.

  2. Laser therapy Helps reduce the visibility of stretch marks. Quite painful, but effective procedure.

  3. Cryolipolysis allows you to get rid of fat folds. The problem area is exposed to cold for an hour, fat cells are destroyed.

  4. Peeling – a sure way to make the skin more even and smooth, and the complexion beautiful.

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Cosmetical tools

Moisture Expert Moisture Cream, L’Oréal Paris

Thanks to tocopherol, almond and camellia oils, it softens the skin and fights oxidative stress.

Foundation Dream Urban Cover SPF 50, Maybelline New York

Due to the high SPF, it reliably protects the skin from age spots and the negative effects of sunlight. Evens tone, gives shine and smoothness, easy to apply.

Night revitalizing treatment for the skin around the eyes, Kiehl’s

Reduces the number of fine lines, makes puffiness, dark circles less noticeable and has a firming effect on the skin.

Firming Body Milk “Ultra Elasticity”, Garnier

It gives the skin of the body elasticity and tone due to the action of extracts of grapefruit, kiwi and apple. The composition also contains caffeine, known for its draining effect.

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