How does the coronavirus in humans progress by day
To date, for the initial type of virus that originated in China, the city of Wuhan, the staging of the course by day has already been roughly determined, but new strains may differ.

Today, doctors say that with the advent of new strains, in particular the British and delta viruses, the clinical picture of the infection is changing. There are deviations in the duration of the incubation period, as well as the development of infection in dynamics, by day.

For example, for the delta virus, there is evidence that the first symptoms can occur as early as 5-6 days after infection, and the clinical picture unfolds rapidly, by 3-4 days, serious lung damage is possible, requiring hospital treatment. But while these issues are still being studied, and doctors are guided by previously obtained data on the dynamics of the development of coronavirus infection.1 .

Easy form

The incubation period of the infection ranges from two to 14 days, on average, the first symptoms appear within 5-7 days from the moment of infection.

With a mild form, in the first two days there is a slight rise in temperature, body aches, sore throat, a dry cough, a feeling of severe fatigue, a runny nose or nasal congestion are possible. Perhaps a decrease in the sense of smell, its perversion or lack of the ability to smell.

By 3-4 days, the temperature may decrease or normalize, there is a feeling of weakness, malaise, respiratory manifestations. The cough may become slightly wetter, and changes in smell persist.

By the 5th – 7th day, the state of health becomes better, although the feeling of weakness and weakness can remain for a long time, as well as a decrease in the sense of smell.

On average, recovery is complete by 7 to 10 days, respiratory symptoms disappear, but smell problems and fatigue can persist for up to 2 to 3 weeks or longer.

Medium form

The incubation period is similar to the previous form, but the manifestations may be more pronounced. Typically, the temperature rises in the first 3-5 days, it reaches values ​​of 38,0-38,5 ° C – this is typical for 90% of patients.

A cough also develops: in the first 2-3 days it is dry, but gradually becomes wetter, with a small amount of sputum discharged.2.

Also, up to 40% of patients feel fatigue and severe weakness, chest congestion, shortness of breath occurs during exercise, the respiratory rate reaches 25 or more. At this stage, it is necessary to call a doctor and immediately start treatment, since the infection can quickly turn into a severe stage.

Heavy form

For a severe form of the disease, the development of clinical symptoms by day is typical, although this is a fairly average picture, and deviations are possible both in terms and in the development of symptoms.

In the first 2 days of illness, there is a feeling of nasal congestion, a decrease in smell and taste, weakness and malaise, headache, aching muscles and joints, appetite decreases.

By the 3rd day of illness, the temperature gradually rises, sensations change – smell and taste may completely disappear, appetite suffers greatly, sweating, chills are typical. There may be a feeling of stuffy ears, malaise, possible nausea and diarrhea.

By the 4th day of illness, the virus infects the respiratory tract, a cough occurs, which is initially dry and painful, the temperature rises to pronounced numbers, and hoarseness appears.

By the 5-7th day, there is a feeling of lack of air, difficulty breathing, pallor, soreness in the chest and a feeling of heaviness against the background of high temperature, which does not go astray. It is usually associated with lung involvement and a systemic inflammatory response in the body.3.

With pneumonia

Manifestations of infection with pneumonia can have a moderate to severe course – it depends on the extent of damage to the lung tissue and additional symptoms. Usually, signs of pneumonia are detected on the 5th – 7th day of illness, but can be determined earlier if these are new strains of infection.4.

Popular questions and answers

We discussed with therapist Valeria Trapeznikova features of the course of infection in the presence of infection with different strains of infection, as well as the duration of hospital treatment and asymptomatic course.

Are there differences in the course of different strains of coronavirus?

New strains have not yet been studied so well, but it is already clear that yes, there are differences in the course of the disease, but they are not specific and depend on many factors.

How many days is coronavirus treated in a hospital?

Treatment in a hospital depends on the severity of the disease. There are no specific deadlines. But, as a rule, the treatment of the moderate form takes about 15 days, for the severe form – about 3 weeks.

Is it possible to understand that a person has a coronavirus without symptoms?

No, in this case (when there are no symptoms), only PCR diagnostics can clarify the presence of a coronavirus infection.

On what day does pneumonia develop with coronavirus?

Signs of pneumonia are detected approximately on day 5-7, but this is not always the case, pneumonia can develop earlier or later, depending on the general condition of the patient, the presence of other diseases and the strain of the virus.

Sources of:

  2. Malinnikova Elena Yurievna New coronavirus infection. Today’s view of the pandemic of the XXI century // Infectious Diseases: News. Opinions. Education. 2020. No. 2 (33). URL:
  3. Coronavirus by day. How does an infection develop in the body? StopCoronavirus.rf https://stopcoronavirus.rf/news/20201107-0836.html
  4. Hikmatullaeva Aziza Sadullaevna, Rakhimov Ravshan Abdullaevich, Abdukadyrova Muazzam Alievna, Egamova Intizor Normuhammadovna, Yarmukhamedova Nargiza Anvarovna MODERN VIEW OF CORONAVIRUS INFECTION // Bulletin of Science and Education. 2020. No. 22-2 (100). URL:

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