How cherry plum influences your body

Plum belongs to the cherry family and came to our land from the distant Caucasus. This shrub has spread first in the East and then came in our latitude. It is believed that the plum is a hybrid of apricot and cherry, but some scientists still believe that a separate independent plant.

Of course, the taste of plum is not like a plum or a peach, not like an apricot, and it is hard to imagine Georgian tkemali sauce without juicy sour cherry plum juice.

Caucasian marmalade tklapi also prepared based on this plum – based on preparing soups and stews or adding zest and acidity to any dish. Georgian kharcho soup is cooked with tkemali tklapi, soaked in the rich broth.

Another incomparable dish of cherry plum is a jam with walnuts. Prepared based on cherry plums and alcoholic drinks, and sour borscht and Solyanka. Some food recipes can meet a plum instead of ingredients such as lemons or capers.

How useful is plum

Plum contains less sugar while rich in citric and malic acids, vitamins A, B, C, PP, E, ascorbic acid, pectin, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, and iron.

Plum will become an assistant in the treatment of vitamin deficiency, problems with the intestines; it is possible to use not only the fruit of the cheery plum, but you can also use the flowers – they can be a basis for tinctures.

Cherry-plum juice is effective in treating colds, especially with complications to the respiratory system. Its juice also tones and refreshes in the summer, quenches thirst and stimulates the removal of radionuclides from the body.

Plum is useful in treating diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiac muscle, and nervous system. It soothes and gives relief to severe headaches and high pressure.

Thanks to vitamins A and C, cherry plum is a powerful antioxidant to prevent aging and protect the body from the external environment’s rough interference.

Bones of the plums are processed into oil, similar in quality to almond. It is widely used in cosmetology and medicine for the manufacture of outer skincare products.

Cherry plum is useful in treating the liver and biliary tract diseases, and when metabolic disorders – diabetes and obesity.

How cherry plum influences your body

The harm of cherry plum

Excessive consumption of cherry plums can develop symptoms of poisoning, heartburn, abdominal pain, diarrhea. The acids included in this plum’s composition increase the acidity and provoke attacks of gastritis and ulcers. Pits of plums contain dangerous acid for the human body, so before use, remove them in advance.

For more about cherry plum health benefits and harms read our big article:

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