How does pressure affect a person’s pressure
We easily attribute our poor health, bad mood, laziness and other troubles to the weather. Does the heavenly office really have so much power? found out everything about human meteosensitivity.
How does pressure affect a person’s pressure
For well-being, the ideal atmospheric pressure is about 750 mm Hg. Deviations from the norm, even at 10-15 points, entail a deterioration in well-being.
A decrease in atmospheric pressure is a cyclone, it is accompanied by cloudiness, rain and warming.
At risk: people with low blood pressure, heart disease, as well as those who have problems with blood vessels or have irregularities in the functioning of the respiratory system.
How does it manifest: weakness and lack of air is felt, shortness of breath often occurs.
Reason: on such days the air lacks oxygen. People with high intracranial pressure (ICP) may develop migraines. The arrival of the cyclone is reflected in the work of the gastrointestinal tract: gases, expanding, stretch the intestinal walls, causing unpleasant sensations.
What to do: drink more water (2 glasses of water above the norm will help keep the pressure at an acceptable level); drink coffee, but only in the morning, take tinctures of eleutherococcus, ginseng, lemongrass, pantocrine. Sleep more and take a contrast shower.
Read on: how an increase in atmospheric pressure affects
Headache is a frequent companion of weather changes.
An increase in atmospheric pressure is an anticyclone, it brings clear, windless weather, without any significant temperature fluctuations.
At risk: people whose blood pressure is high, as well as allergy sufferers and asthmatics, since in calm weather the city air is not cleaned of harmful impurities.
How it manifests itself: headaches, heart pains, malaise begin. The ability to work decreases, and, as a result, the mood worsens. Low blood pressure spoils character and even becomes the cause of sexual dysfunction in men.
Reason: the number of leukocytes (cells that protect the body from infections) decreases in the blood, immunity weakens.
What to do: When the pressure changes in one direction or another, it is better not to start important matters. There is a risk of not coping with them. If it is impossible to postpone things, you need to prepare the body as much as possible for double loads. Take a contrast shower in the morning, do gymnastics; during the day, refresh yourself with bananas, rich in potassium, raisins, take vitamin E. If you have increased intracranial pressure, it is better to trust a neurologist.
High blood pressure often does not manifest itself at all. A person may not be aware of their high blood pressure. This state of affairs can lead to heart attack and stroke. To find out if you are at risk, take your blood pressure and note your weight.
Read on: what does air humidity affect?
With high humidity, it is good only in the hot south, where it is better to spend time on the beach.
Low humidity
In this weather, the humidity is 30-40%. Dry air irritates the nasal mucosa, which protects against the penetration of harmful microbes during breathing.
At risk: allergy sufferers.
What to do: at low humidity, dryness in the nasopharynx can be eliminated by flushing the sinuses with slightly salted water or mineral water without gas.
High humidity
Due to the large amount of precipitation, the air humidity reaches 80-90%. Usually such weather prevails in subtropical zones, in our country these are cities such as Sochi and Vladivostok.
At risk: people with diseases of the respiratory system. Especially in spring, when everything is melting around.
Reason: frequent weather changes. In the morning the sun is shining, the wind begins in the afternoon. There is a risk of overcooling and getting cold. On such days, inflammation of the kidneys and joints is also exacerbated.
What to do: if the humidity is combined with high temperatures, try to go outside less often.
Read on: which temperature is comfortable and which is not
The most comfortable air temperature is only 16-18 degrees. It is this value that doctors recommend to maintain in the bedroom during sleep. Yes, and during the day we do not languish from the heat and do not freeze.
Temperature change
When the temperature gets colder, the air is saturated with oxygen; when it gets warmer, on the contrary, the amount of oxygen decreases.
At risk:
Against the background of high temperatures, atmospheric pressure drops, then people with diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems have a particularly hard time;
With high pressure, the temperature decreases, cold rains begin, which means it is time to suffer from hypertensive patients, asthmatics and those who suffer from gallstone and kidney stones.
Reason: sharp drops – from 8 to 10 degrees per day provoke the release of histamine and cause allergies. The latter can appear even in a person who was previously unfamiliar with it.
What to do: if you suffer from allergies or are predisposed to it, on the eve of a sharp cold snap try to exclude allergens from the diet, such as citrus fruits, chocolate, red wine, spices.
Blood pressure indicators
Optimal: 120/80
Normal: 130/85
High Normal: 130-139 / 85-89
Low normal: 70/90
We measure the pressure correctly
If you feel unwell during a change of weather, it makes sense to measure your blood pressure. But keep in mind, the result will be overestimated:
in the cold. The pressure should be measured indoors at a temperature of about 20 degrees;
immediately after smoking, drinking tea, coffee or alcohol;
if you feel like going to the toilet;
after a hearty lunch (1-2 hours should pass);
in a state of stress;
after exercise;
immediately after taking a bath or shower;
in a cross-legged position, “in Turkish” or with a bent back.