How does PCO affect applying for a child?

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What is PCO? What are the symptoms of PCO? Can the disease make it difficult to conceive a child? Can PCO make a child born sick? The questions are answered by the drug. Katarzyna Darecka.

Can PCO make it difficult to get pregnant?

Hello. Two months ago, my husband and I made a decision that we would start trying for a child (we are both 30 years old with my husband). However, we decided to approach it consciously and, before we discontinued contraception, we both performed the necessary tests. However, after consulting the doctor I had ultrasound examination, it turned out that I have PCO. This fact surprised me a lot. I have never been overweight, I have regular periods, although I do like to eat something sweet from time to time.

What is it then the cause of PCO? Will the fact that I have PCO delay the time I get pregnant? Can trying for a child diagnosed with PCO cause that it will be born sick? From what I read on the internet, PCO is not a typical disease entity. I would also like to make sure whether it is PCOS, or maybe it is just a temporary weakness of the body – what additional tests are worth doing?

The doctor said that my husband and I could try for a baby, but I still have many concerns. Thank you for your answer and best regards!

The doctor explains how PCO can affect your efforts for a child

The exact cause of PCOS is not known, but there are known hormonal disorders responsible for the symptoms, i.e. insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia, hyperandrogenemia and increased LH secretion. Polycystic ovary syndrome are recognized based on the ESHRE / ASRM criteria when 2 of the 3 following criteria are met:

1) Polycystic ovaries on ultrasound

2) Rare or anovulation (may be absent or infrequent periods)

3) Clinical (i.e. visible during examination by a doctor) and / or biochemical (i.e. from laboratory tests) indicators of increased androgen concentration.

I believe the doctor used these criteria to confirm the syndrome.

The problem when trying for a baby may be a symptom of amenorrhea or rare menstruation, which may indicate anovulation or less frequent than in healthy women. It is during ovulation, i.e. around the 14th day of the cycle, that an egg is released from the ovary, which, fertilized by a sperm, can turn into an embryo. If you cannot ovulate, you cannot get pregnant. This can also be a problem in PCOS, but it doesn’t have to.

About 30% women with PCOS there is no problem with getting pregnant, about 70% may face some difficulties that can be overcome with the help of the treatment proposed by the gynecologist. In addition to pharmacological treatment, it is also important to change the lifestyle, leading to weight loss by introducing a diet, playing sports and stopping smoking and drinking alcohol.

Particularly obese pregnant women may have an increased risk of birth defects in the baby (heart and neural tube), as well as gestational diabetes, high blood pressure and its complications, miscarriages, premature deliveries, and cesarean delivery. Regarding the pharmacological treatment of anovulatory cycles, it is quite effective, but if it does not work, there is still the possibility of in vitro fertilization.

It should be remembered that just as every patient is different, each disease may be different in every patient, manifest itself differently and react differently to treatment.

– Lek. Katarzyna Darecka

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