Fennel is a very often cultivated plant in Poland. It can grow virtually anywhere and is often planted in greenhouses. We often add dill to dishes and soups, but we do not remember about its health-promoting properties. Most of them are hidden in the fennel seeds themselves, small, tiny sources of healing properties.
Fennel seed: how is it obtained?
Fennel is an extremely aromatic herb that can reach a height of up to 75 centimeters. It is an annual plant, so new crops are planted every year. Fennel grows easily, creating green mosaics of feathery leaves and colorful, large flowers.
Fennel, as a medicinal plant, was already known to the ancient Egyptians. An old Polish proverb said that a bunch of dill hung over the door would protect the house and the household against witches and witches.
Fennel seeds: the most important information
- Composition: triterpenes, volatile oils, coumarins, flavonoids
- Fennel seed infusion: we crush dill seeds; pour two teaspoons of them into a glass, and then pour boiling water over it. Fennel seeds should be brewed in this way for at least 10 minutes
Fennel seed: the best properties of fennel
- In infants, dill relieves the symptoms of colic. Before using dill in the youngest, it is worth consulting with your doctor, while breastfeeding mothers should drink the infusion of dill themselves, and thanks to this, the fed child will not complain about colic.
- Fennel is also used as a medicine for all kinds of digestive ailments. It protects against abdominal pain, facilitates digestion. It is a great herb recommended for indigestion.
- Fennel seeds can be used as natural breath fresheners. Chew them for a few minutes and then spit them out.
- An infusion of fennel leaves and seeds also has a healing effect that helps fight all the symptoms of colds and flu.
- In people who often suffer from diseases related to inflammation of the bladder and urinary tract, dill will be helpful as a strongly diuretic drug.
- Fennel infusion can also help young girls and women in the fight against menstrual pain.
- Fennel can also help fight troublesome bloating and produce excessive intestinal gas. To avoid the above ailments, fennel infusion should be drunk before a meal, not immediately after it.
- In cosmetics, fennel seeds are used, among others, to enhance the fragrance of all kinds of soaps.
- In medicine, dill is often recommended as a remedy for the so-called “mountain sickness”.