How does diabetes change the lives of patients?
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Being diagnosed with diabetes doesn’t have to be a verdict – with the right rules, you can still enjoy life. A conscious patient who knows the tools to fight the disease can be a partner for the doctor, co-responsible for the effects of treatment.

Examine yourself, do not hesitate

Experts have no doubts – diabetes was considered an epidemic a decade ago, today it takes the dimension of a pandemic. It is a health, social and economic problem. In Poland, about 3 million people struggle with the disease, of which a million are unaware that they are sick. Worse still, due to the drastic increase in obesity, type 2 diabetes is more and more common in children and adolescents. The key to therapeutic success is early diagnosis, which makes it possible to avoid the most dangerous complications.

The diagnosis of the disease itself is very simple – it is enough to perform a basic test for diabetes, i.e. a blood glucose test, which can be ordered by any doctor. Who is at risk and should not delay diagnosis? Anyone over 45, people with family history of diabetes, overweight and obese patients, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and women who have had gestational diabetes.

Complications cannot be undone

Unfortunately, as research shows, Poles not only do not test themselves, but even after hearing the diagnosis, they do not follow the doctors’ recommendations. The consequences of neglect: not taking medications, not taking sugar or taking injections can be disastrous. Untreated diabetes mellitus is associated with damage to the functions of many organs. Dangerous complications in the form of kidney function damage, neuropathy with diabetic foot syndrome or diabetic retinopathy leading to blindness appear after a few years.

The most serious problem of patients with diabetes, however, remains the high risk of death from cardiovascular causes. Epidemiological studies show that the life expectancy of diabetic patients is several years shorter than that of healthy people, which is mainly due to myocardial infarction and stroke. Fortunately, diabetes does not have to be associated with disability and a shorter life expectancy …

Diagnosis changes everything

What helps to “tame the disease” is comprehensive specialist care, balanced diet, physical activity and self-awareness of patients. Have you heard the diagnosis and don’t know what to do next? From now on, you must follow a few rules: first, give up alcohol and cigarettes, and second, take care of the composition of the plate. Your enemy is simple sugars, saturated fats and processed foods, your friend – vegetables, complex carbohydrates (dark bread, thick groats, wholemeal pasta and al dente), mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids (walnuts, sea fish, olive oil).

Meals are best prepared on your own – you can cook, stew, bake in foil or steam them. Remember also about physical activity, which is crucial for maintaining health – not only allows us to maintain a healthy body weight, but also reduces the level of stress. Finally, do not neglect diabetes education – an informed patient who knows the tools to fight diabetes can be a partner for the doctor, co-responsible for the effects of treatment.

Take control

I know what you want to say – in theory, everything is simpler, in practice there will be difficulties. Being diagnosed with diabetes always turns our lives upside down. It requires not only a change of habits, but also a heavy burden on the household budget and the state budget. Modern therapy remains beyond the reach of most Poles. They often give up drugs, tests or specialized equipment related to treatment.

That is why it is worth taking care of the quality of life and showing the disease who is in charge. All you need to do is take advantage of Nationale – Nederlanden, the first fully diabetes insurance on the Polish market. As part of the package for diabetics, you receive: financial support after disease complications, specialist consultations, as well as unlimited access to the dietary portal, where you will find advice on recommended dietary principles.

Most importantly – if the disease develops very quickly and prevents you from working or living alone, you will not be left alone. As part of the insurance, you can count on the payment of monthly benefits for five years. It’s not worth the wait – you can change your life for good now.

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