How does COVID-19 affect the eyes? Here are the most common symptoms
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Eye pain is the most important symptom of COVID-19 when it comes to eyesight, according to an Anglia Ruskin University study. 83 percent patients began experiencing ophthalmic symptoms within two weeks of the onset of other symptoms of COVID-19.

Scientists at Anglia Ruskin University (ARU) asked people diagnosed with COVID-19 to complete a questionnaire about the symptoms they were experiencing and how they relate to pre-infection time.

The results showed that the patients experienced eye pain much more often. 16 percent complained about him. patients, while among healthy people – only 5 percent. people.

Although as much as 18 percent. people with COVID-19 suffered from photophobia, the increase in the number of cases compared to the pre-disease state was small.

At the same time, the survey showed that 83 percent. patients began experiencing ophthalmic symptoms within two weeks of the onset of other symptoms of COVID-19. In 80 percent people experiencing eye problems, these disorders lasted less than two weeks.

Among these symptoms, the most frequent one was fatigue, affecting 90 percent. of respondents, fever, from which 76% suffered sick and dry cough affecting 66 percent. of them.

The research is published in “BMJ Open Ophthalmology”.

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