How does alcohol affect the body? [INFOGRAPHICS]

Beer, wine, vodka and colorful drinks are present on our tables with great frequency. For many adult Poles, reaching for drinks with percentages is something natural, which is done on a regular basis. However, alcohol consumption is not indifferent to health. Here’s what happens to the body when we drink alcoholic beverages.

  1. Even in the 90s, the most popular drink among Poles was vodka. Later this trend changed a bit and we preferred beer. Wine consumption has increased in turn during the coronavirus epidemic
  2. There is no such thing as health-safe alcohol. Regardless of the “strength”, any alcohol with a percentage can have a negative effect on the body
  3. The list of diseases related to alcohol consumption includes, among others: cirrhosis of the liver or cancer
  4. Check your health. Just answer these questions         
  5. More information can be found on the TvoiLokony home page

The effect of alcohol on the body

Regardless of the type of drink you choose, it will have an impact on your body. The effects of alcohol consumption are changes visible on the skin, a heavy burden on the liver or dehydration of the body (if you drink too much). Then, if we drink percentage drinks more often, serious diseases may develop.

See our infographic and check what happens to the body after drinking alcohol.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we devote it to emotions. Often times, a particular sight, sound or smell brings to mind a similar situation that we have already experienced. What opportunities does this give us? How does our body react to such an emotion? You will hear about this and many other aspects related to emotions below.

Also read:

  1. How do Poles drink and party? Before the pandemic, vodka and beer, now wine
  2. Do you like a drink? You don’t even know what the consequences might be
  3. Prof. Krzysztof J. Filipiak: a cardiologist recommends a glass of wine with a meal, usually red, always dry
  4. What will the hepatologist not eat? Here are the products that harm our liver the most

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