How does a miscarriage occur?
Let the life barely originated in the female body be called an embryo in scientific language, for the expectant mother it is already a beloved son or daughter. And when a pregnancy is involuntarily terminated, many experience it as a real tragedy. To avoid this, it is important to know how and why a spontaneous miscarriage occurs.
According to statistics, almost every fifth pregnancy is spontaneously terminated. From a medical point of view, the death of the embryo in the first 22 weeks after conception is defined as a miscarriage. An unplanned collapse within 12 weeks is considered an early miscarriage. In most of these cases, the girls did not even suspect that they were expecting a baby.
Parents-to-be should know how and why a miscarriage can occur
How exactly does a miscarriage occur in the earliest stages of pregnancy? At first, the girl simply notes a slight delay in the menstrual cycle. After a while, her lower abdomen begins to hurt badly, after which profuse bleeding appears.
If a large blood clot looks like a burst bladder comes out along with your period, this is a clear sign of a miscarriage.
You should not be afraid of this, but you must definitely go to the gynecologist. You may need to clean your uterus.
A girl must certainly seek medical help if severe bleeding continues for several days.
Causes of early miscarriages
Spontaneous death of a human embryo can occur in the early stages if:
- The embryo has genetic abnormalities.
The body independently ejects the embryo if, after fertilization, at least one of the genes received from the parents has mutated. Such an embryo is perceived by him as incapacitated.
- The hormonal background of the female body is violated.
A miscarriage most often occurs due to a reduced level of progesterone relative to the norm or an excess of testosterone (male hormone) in a woman.
- Parents-to-be have different blood Rh factors.
It should be noted that such a problem may appear if a woman has a negative rhesus with a positive male one. In this case, the female body will identify the embryo as a foreign body and reject it. If the future dad has a negative rhesus, there is no danger of rejection.
- The mother-to-be has serious infections.
A sick mother can infect her own fetus, and her body will try to get rid of a pathologically dangerous embryo.
- Raising the body temperature of a pregnant woman to 38 degrees for diseases of any internal organs.
- Previously postponed abortions.
- Medicines taken by a pregnant woman.
- Emotional shock leading to a stressful state.
- Unhealthy lifestyle: insufficient sleep, unhealthy diet, prolonged nervous and physical stress.
- Lifting heavy things, falling sharply.
A miscarriage is a completely normal process. After all, all living things are inherent in natural selection. However, with regularly recurring early miscarriages, expectant parents should be wary. Perhaps the cause is a health problem in one of them. And before you plan to increase your family, you need to strengthen your own health. Alternatively, live for some time before conception in an ecologically clean place.