How does a hornet sting hurt? Jason Schmidt got bitten by the worst insects in the world

Most of us have been stung by a bee or wasp at least once in our lives. Too close encounters with the hornet – an insect that causes genuine fear in many people – are slightly less frequent. Is a hornet sting really that painful? According to entomologist Jason Schmidt, not so much. And he knows what he’s talking about because he has been stung more than 1000 times by the most terrible flying insects.

  1. Jason Schmidt is an entomologist who has been creating the so-called the Schmidt Pain Scale
  2. The scientist allows insects from all over the world to sting, and then on a four-point scale assesses how unpleasant it was
  3. For the worst insect, it feels like you are walking on red-hot coals with 7,5 cm nails driven into your feet
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Why does Jason Schmidt get stung?

It all started in the 80s, when entomologist Jason Schmidt and his wife (zooologist) returned from field work with a large number of reaper ants. The couple wanted to evaluate the toxicity of their venom, as well as the level of pain they could inflict, to describe it in a research paper. Unfortunately, while the estimation of the first parameter was not a problem, because appropriate scales already existed, the pain was not easy. At that stage, no classification was developed that could serve as a model.

Since Jason Schmidt is a typical scientist, he immediately felt the need to fill this research gap. Since then, he has been stung by more than 1000 different insects, to endure the pain and describe it. In addition to the sensations themselves, Schmidt also rates pain on a four-point scale. Interestingly, Polish stinging insects cannot measure up to the leaders on the Schmidt pain scale. Hornet and bee were rated as strong 2nd Osa – even worse.

In order to make his insightful analyzes, Schmidt goes out into the field, and then with his bare fingers he takes the insects he is interested in. If they choose not to attack, he then places them on his shoulder. The entomologist does not take any painkillers on his trips. He only has ice with him in case it gets really terrible and a phone call if he needs help.

The rest of the text below the video.

How did hornet, bee and wasp sting?

For entomologists, Jason Schmidt’s many years of work can be helpful in their research work. In turn, for ordinary people it is rather a curiosity, and at the same time a warning. Because if Schmidt says that he felt any insect was particularly nasty, we can be sure that we would not like to meet him.

Among the stinging insects known in Poland, he found himself on Schmidt’s list megrim, wasp, honey bee, hornet and rusty hornet.

It occupies the lowest place on the scale pretty. It is a type of bee, and several species of this insect have been found in Poland. His sting scored 1.0 on the Schmidt scale, causing similar pain to a spark burning a hair in his forearm (yes, Schmidt uses such pictorial metaphors).

Osawhose venom can be fatal to allergy sufferers, they do not sting too much. Her rating is 2.0. What does it feel when a wasp stings? More or less the same pain as when you put out a cigarette on your tongue.

Honey bee and hornet received exactly the same mark from Schmidt: 2.x. A bee sting is burning, corrosive, but bearable. As if a lit match had landed on your shoulder, it was quenched with lye and then poured with sulfuric acid ”. With the hornet, it feels more or less the same as it does when a revolving door shuts your hand.

One point higher, with a score of 3.0 on the Schmidt scale, it is less known, but it is present all over Poland rusty horn clutch. No kidding here anymore. The sting hurts like drilling a nail or pouring hydrochloric acid over an open wound.

Have you been stung by an insect? You can smear the wound with hemp soothing cream available from Medonet Market.

The worst insects on Jason Schimdt’s list. They sting the most

Our native stinging insects, however, do not live up to the leaders on the Schmidt point scale, i.e. the black wasp and the bullet ant. These are two insects that have not been dethroned so far. They can inflict excruciating pain. So hard to bear that even Jason Schmidt remembers it with horror.

Black wasp received a note 4.0. Schmidt compared the pain to the feeling of someone lying in a bathtub dropping a working dryer into it (warning: you absolutely must NOT try this at home. You get electrocution, which can be fatal).

However, he is the undisputed leader in inflicting pain bullet ant. Her rating is 4.x. When stung, a person feels as if he is walking on red-hot coals when 7,5 cm nails are hammered into his feet.

Insect venom is toxic. You may be allergic to it and not know it. In such a situation, in the event of a sting, anaphylactic shock occurs, which can be fatal. Even if you are not allergic, repeated stings can also be life-threatening.

  1. Check that you are not allergic to insect venom. Perform a mail-order allergy test available from Medonet Market.

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