How does a hangover drip work? Price: up to PLN 850, immediate effect

It often happens that we drink more alcohol than we would like. On the second day, we literally treat the hangover. Home methods often fail – cucumber water, cold compresses. There is one more method that has become fashionable thanks to celebrities, but it is used by virtually everyone, regardless of social status or profession. Is the “hangover drip” the same infusion that is given in the hospital for alcohol intoxication? Is it a safe solution for everyone? I checked in a conversation with doctor Tomasz Hendzel, founder and medical director of

  1. The “hangover drip” helps you quickly get back on your feet after drinking too much alcohol
  2. It can be taken intravenously under the care of qualified medical personnel in clinics specially created for this purpose. It is also possible to travel to the patient’s home
  3. The cost of an intravenous infusion – depending on the selected package – ranges from PLN 450 to PLN 850
  4. Its price depends on the needs and condition of the patient, and its composition is determined individually during the visit and includes, among others, electrolytes, glucose, as well as painkillers, antiemetic and relaxation medications.
  5. Administration of a “hangover drip” takes approximately 60 minutes on average. It is preceded by an interview with the patient, assessment of general health and measurement of basic life parameters, i.e. heart rate, blood pressure, blood glucose and saturation levels
  6. More current information can be found on the Onet homepage

How quickly do you feel better after the infusion?

Improvement after the administration of a “hangover drip” for certain symptoms may be immediate.

– Imagine a patient with an incredible headache who, due to repeated vomiting, is unable to accept anything to drink or eat. He is dehydrated. Can not sleep. Literally a moment after the intravenous administration of painkillers and antiemetics, he no longer feels the need to return food, his head stops hurting, calms down, and his body becomes hydrated and starts to function normally – explained doctor Tomasz Hendzel, founder and medical director of

He also added that it is difficult to clearly answer how long we normally treat a hangover, because it depends on the conditions of the body, age, weight, amount and type of alcohol consumed. He admitted that infusions are used by people of all social groups.

What is included in the “hangover drip”

The drip is taken intravenously. These include infusion fluids, electrolytes, as well as vitamin B12, vitamin C, magnesium and – depending on the package selected by the patient – antiemetic, painkillers and relaxing drugs that improve the condition after excessive alcohol consumption.

– By replenishing fluid deficiencies, administering intravenous rinsed substances, glucose and preparations metabolizing alcohol and its derivatives, as well as antiemetic, analgesic, sedative and anticonvulsant drugs, we allow you to quickly eliminate, almost to zero, the symptoms resulting from alcohol withdrawal – explained the doctor. .

Each visit begins with an interview, general health assessment and examination of the patient’s basic vital signs. Medical records are prepared and the patient must give their written consent to the procedure. The timing of the drip administration depends on many factors.

– The drip infusion time is a relative term and depends on many factors. It should be remembered that improper performance of such a procedure can simply harm the patient in the world. First of all, the patient’s condition, vital signs and weight should be taken into account. The quality of the intravenous access is also of great importance. All these factors contribute to the time it takes to safely administer the drip. On average, it is about 60 minutes, said doctor Tomasz Hendzel.

The rest of the interview is under the video material.

Symptoms of alcohol intoxication and withdrawal

Symptoms of withdrawal from alcohol and alcohol intoxication may be the same. As calculated by the doctor, it is vomiting that causes dehydration, headaches, abdominal pain, insomnia, photophobia, irritability, tremors and pre-epileptic states. That is why the “hangover drip” contains ingredients that quickly help recover from a person who has periodically overused alcohol or overuses it.

Alcohol has a negative effect on the liver. Take advantage of laboratory research. You will find them in Medonet Market.

The doctor also assured that the compositions of the drips are selected individually. They are preceded by a medical consultation, including the study of vital signs and an interview with the patient.

– All medicinal products that we give to our patients are drugs registered in Poland. The patient can feel completely safe when using our services. We are a medical entity, we employ only highly qualified medical personnel, and the entire procedure is carried out under their constant control, the doctor told Medonet.

He also emphasized that the purpose of the procedure is absolutely not to prepare the patient for further alcohol consumption immediately after the procedure. Such a declaration disqualifies for its implementation.

When is the drip indicated?

The major component of all alcoholic beverages is ethanol. When consuming them, we experience its effects, and when we sober up – acetaldehyde, into which ethanol decomposes. In this way, we poison ourselves with a substance unnatural for the body.

– Certain medical conditions that directly threaten our health and life cannot be ignored. In a situation where the symptoms of poisoning are very severe, then the intravenous administration of drugs is even recommended. However, not every “hangover” requires our help – emphasized the doctor.

He added that infusion is not a good solution for everyone.

– Take, for example, a gastrointestinal infection (salmonella). Its mild form can be treated at home. Acute and complicated already in hospital conditions. The same is the case with the services we offer. After the physical and medical examination, we qualify the patient for the procedure or – if his condition is too severe – we do not perform it and refer the patient to hospital treatment – explained Dr. Hendzel.

The procedure itself looks similar, regardless of whether it is performed in facilities specializing in it, in a clinic, hospital or by the Medical Rescue Team.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we devote it to self-compassion – a trend that has developed very strongly in the United States, but is still in its infancy in Poland. What is it and how does it affect our daily functioning? You will hear about this and many other issues related to self-compassion in the latest episode of our podcast.

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