How do you recognize good sunglasses? Important advice from an ophthalmologist

We usually remember sunglasses in summer, when the sun no longer gives us peace. Rightly? Maybe we should wear them all year round? Should you choose them only in an optician’s shop, buy them for small children and is the color of the glasses important in all this? We asked the ophthalmologist prof. Jerzy Szaflik.

  1. We should wear sunglasses not only during the holidays
  2. The price is not the only element that must be taken into account when buying them
  3. Children are particularly exposed to the harmful effects of UV radiation due to larger pupils and more transparent optical centers – warns Prof. Dishpan
  4. More current information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Klaudia Torchała, Medonet: Should we always wear sunglasses in summer? When to use them — after all, they do not have a decorative function, but a protective one.

Prof. Jerzy Szaflik, specialist in the field of ophthalmology, microsurgeon: We should protect our eyes with sunglasses all year round, not only in the summer. Their aesthetics is important, we should wear them with pleasure. However, the technical parameters of the glasses are of key importance. The shade level of the lenses can be adjusted to the current weather, but when you are outside, it is always worth protecting your eyes with lenses with a UV filter.

Are sunglasses suitable for everyone, regardless of age? There are also very young glasses in strollers. Isn’t it too early to wear sunglasses?

It is not too early, but remember that the eyes of the smallest children – up to the age of one – should be protected from ultraviolet radiation, primarily by eliminating direct exposure to the sun. Slightly older children, between the first and three years of age, should gradually get used to wearing sunglasses, thus shaping appropriate habits, but still limiting exposure to direct sunlight, especially between 10-16. You should be aware that children are particularly exposed to the harmful effects of UV radiation due to their larger pupils and more transparent optical centers. Protection is therefore all the more necessary.

The rest of the interview is available in the video.

Are there any contraindications for wearing sunglasses, e.g. eye diseases, sight defects?

No, maybe with the exception of narrow-angle glaucoma, where pupil dilation is inadvisable – and this is how dark lenses work. This can lead to an acute attack of glaucoma. Any other, non-specific contraindications may be formulated in a specific case by an ophthalmologist.

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What about people who wear corrective lenses every day? Is wearing contact lenses and regular sunglasses a good idea? Or maybe just glasses with “clip-on” covers?

In addition to the above-mentioned possibilities, we also have corrective sunglasses or photochromic corrective glasses, ie equipped with lenses that “automatically” adjust to the lighting conditions. Each of these solutions has advantages and disadvantages, mainly related to the convenience of their use, but also, for example, to the price. The choice must be made on the basis of your lifestyle; the very fact of using protection against UV radiation is crucial.

We have reflex cameras, polarized glasses. Who is this type of glass recommended for?

Primarily for athletes and people who spend a lot of time outdoors, as well as drivers. They improve visual acuity by eliminating glare (e.g. from water, snow), often, especially in the case of reflex cameras, they also more strongly reduce the penetration of solar radiation. This translates into greater safety and comfort when practicing sports or driving a vehicle.

Where to buy glasses? Often, teenagers buy in chain stores or online. This is a good choice? Buying glasses in an optician’s shop usually costs from several hundred zlotys. Not everyone can afford it …

The price does not necessarily reflect the quality of the glasses; This is evidenced by their technical parameters confirmed, for example, with the CE symbol or information on the level of protection against UV radiation. Therefore, good-quality glasses do not necessarily have to be very expensive, although the cheapest models from a market in a tourist town can do us more harm than good. The surest place to buy sunglasses will indeed be an optical shop – you can assume that the glasses sold there are of good quality. But you can also find good glasses in chain stores.

We have many glass colors to choose from. You can even find pink ones. Are such less traditional colors (other than brown, black) neutral for the eyesight?

The color or the shade level of the lenses does not matter here. Even colorless lenses can protect us from ultraviolet radiation, as long as they have an appropriate filter. However, you should watch out for glasses with “fancy” colors; often they are funny accessories rather than products that can protect our eyes.

What should we check before buying sunglasses? What information and parameters should you pay special attention to? What filters should glasses have to serve our eyes?

The key are approvals and certificates (eg CE in Europe) and marking the level of protection against UV radiation, eg in categories 1 to 4. If it is expressed as a percentage, of course I recommend 400% protection. This is also ensured by glasses marked with the UV XNUMX nm symbol.

As I mentioned, the color or the level of shading of the lenses does not matter, even colorless lenses will protect us from ultraviolet radiation – as long as they have an appropriate filter. Of course, it is worth choosing models with polarization, especially if we play sports or drive a car. Remember not to buy glasses in bazaars or stalls. It’s best to go to an optician for a product of the right quality.

How to recognize that the CE mark is correct? Should it be on every eyeglass frame? Many of the ones I had in my hand didn’t have it.

The CE marking should always take the format of a distinctive figurative mark and must be at least 5 mm in size. If it is larger, its proportions must be respected. If, however, it is not possible to affix the CE marking to the product itself (e.g. the temple of the frame is too narrow), the CE marking must be placed on the glasses’ packaging or on the documents attached to them (in the form of a leaflet, label, sticker on the glasses).

In conclusion: the CE mark should be placed on the frame of the sunglasses, and if it is not there, on the elements that come with the glasses at sale. Do not buy sunglasses without CE marking (of course, this applies to glasses bought in the European Economic Area, which includes the countries of the European Union, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein; other countries may have their own certifications).

How to take care of your eyes in summer? Strong sun, wind on the beach, sand can irritate them a lot? Is physiological water enough?

Rather, I suggest a preparation such as artificial tears, which will sooth the symptoms of irritation and moisturize the eyes. Remember to drink the right amount of water, which also affects the production of the right amount of tears and the quality of the tear film. You can help yourself on an ad hoc basis, e.g. with a compress made of black tea bags. On the other hand, physiological salt can be used to rinse the eye when sand gets into it, as well as during the pollen season to flush out pollen allergens from the conjunctival sac.

What eye ailments most often affect us in this sunny period of the year?

First of all, related to excessive exposure to solar radiation, mainly its component, the so-called blue light. The short-term effect may be eye fatigue, irritation, dryness, poor and blurred vision, or tearing, there are even inflammations of the conjunctiva and the cornea after sun exposure. Long exposure to sunlight can burn the macula. It should be remembered that the cumulative, long-term, intense exposure to solar radiation is very harmful to our eyesight, increasing e.g. the risk of developing age-related macular degeneration (AMD) or cataracts.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time, we asked Orina Krajewska what, according to her, a holistic approach to health is. How to combine the three aspects – body, spirit and mind to enjoy balance and good health? You will hear about this and many other aspects of the topic in the latest episode of our podcast.

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