How do you love? color test

Colors can say a lot about how we love. Passionate, Desperate, Spontaneous, Gentle… Determine your characteristic love energy with this test, created by body-oriented psychotherapist Frederika Petoren.

The symbolic meaning of flowers differs from culture to culture, from era to era. The most ancient spiritual traditions attributed energy properties to them. Kundalini yoga associates each of the chakras – energy points located on a line from the sacrum to the crown – with its own color. In Kabbalah, the Jewish esoteric tradition, each of the ten creative forces, the Sephiroth, is endowed with its own color.

Since ancient times, people have noted specific vibrations, calming and exciting, emanating from warm and cold colors. This explains why colors were used in certain cultures, such as China or ancient Egypt, for diagnosis or treatment. In times closer to us, at the end of the 1976th century, their healing properties were actively studied. Since 30, the World Health Organization has recognized chromotherapy as a complementary treatment. For nearly XNUMX years, colors have served as a tool for self-discovery and personal development.

There are many schools and approaches, but they all agree on one thing: colors can tell a lot about us. “Our choice of shades is very eloquent,” says Frédérica Pétorin. “It reflects our state, expectations, main strengths and weaknesses in all areas of life.” This test is designed to help determine our personal love energy. “It’s not about labeling someone by ascribing given qualities once and for all, but about telling everyone what he or she “resonates” with at this moment in life.”


This test requires you to temporarily let go of preconceived notions that, for example, associate red with passion. Take a look at the palette, then spontaneously choose one of the shades. You should feel a special connection with this particular color.



This color (hot pink, magenta) symbolizes the absolute, idealistic, romantic love that you give yourself to body and soul. When you love, nothing can stop you. You seek a sacred union and would rather be alone than have an affair with someone you are not interested in.


You experience sex on the physical and cosmic levels, here you can talk about tantric sexuality. In union with other dimensions, it allows you to resonate with the whole world, giving a sense of unity.

Who do you need

A kindred soul, striving for absolute passion. The one who knows how to get off the ground and really does it, who gives himself entirely and is able to reach the same levels of consciousness.

Compatible colors

Red, which will allow you to ground yourself. Orange: you can captivate him with your passion. And, of course, another purple.



This color symbolizes the energy of mother earth. You love to be needed. You motherly care for your partner and strengthen your bond daily. Your self-realization is to give yourself to your partner, to monitor his comfort. You support, comfort, your home is like a refuge.


Sex for you is an action in which you become whole, it restores and gives strength. Your sexual relationship is very tender and very carnal. All your senses are called to this feast of body and spirit.

Who do you need

The one who appreciates your care, but at the same time knows how to be independent, has character and strives for strong relationships, ideally – to create a family.

Compatible colors

Blue is sensual, artistic, seeking affection. Green – generous, sentimental, responsive; he appreciates when he is cared for and cherished. Purple, responsible and serious; you can start a family with him.



This color symbolizes gushing and explosive emotions, embodies the joy of life, energy and enthusiasm. In brief, intense romances or long-term relationships, you are equally impulsive, extroverted, and pleasure-seeking. You love without measure, but without drama.


In sex, you express your love for life, splash out energy, communicate with a partner. Pleasure frees you, allows you to reduce the intensity of emotions.

Who do you need

Someone who is just as sexy as you or is waiting for you to wake them up. A partner who appreciates movement, adventure, a holiday, avoiding routine, introspection and not inclined to “complicate”.

Compatible colors

Another orange, with which you can press to failure on the gas. Red to give vent to your emotions. Exquisite blue to realize your talents.



This color symbolizes the image, reputation, place in society. You place great emphasis on dress, manners, culture as well as status. Your love is rational, but you are a seducer. You adore flirting, and even more love to admire and delight.


This is not your forte: sex involves self-disclosure, and this confuses you. You rely more on reason than on feelings, and prefer your fantasies to reality. Sex, yes, but first let them let you dream.

Who do you need

Well-mannered, brilliant, powerful partner. A person who inspires respect, envy and admiration. The one whom everyone desires and whom only you managed to seduce. The one with whom you can shine in society.

Compatible colors

Another yellow, sunny and ambitious, giving you weight. Violet – demanding, spectacular, loving power.



This color symbolizes feelings, deep, generous and tender love. You give and share, striving for symbiosis. When you fall in love, you are completely involved in the romance. You are whole, trusting and a little naive, you see only positive aspects in your partner and are ready to waste yourself without looking back, sometimes even too much. You are helpful and caring and believe that you should also be a friend to the one you love.


Without feelings, there is no sex for you. If they are strong and mutual, then sex will become a holiday, a fusion of soul and body.

Who do you need

A sentimental, altruistic idealist, someone who sees love as both an end and a means and with whom you can share everything. Someone you can open up to without fear that your partner will judge or hurt you.

Compatible colors

Blue is sensitive, intuitive and idealistic. Green, soul mate. Red – reliable, attentive, generous.



This color symbolizes intuition and artistry. You are very sensitive and trust what you feel. You are also an extrovert, expressing your love in an original way. Love should inspire you, inspire you and be an area of ​​​​stormy, but clear relationships.


You like to talk before, during and after sex. Your creative energy finds a natural expression in sex and makes you aware of your physicality, while usually you live more with your head.

Who do you need

The partner is spontaneous, natural, sensitive, ready to appreciate your originality, but also to push the boundaries of his habits and ideas. Someone who will generously share their experience.

Compatible colors

Orange is an adventurer and enthusiast. Red, which will admire you, groom and cherish. Purple, which will inspire you and create a heart connection between you.



This color symbolizes self-control and authority. You control yourself, tame your feelings and impulses. You like to choose, decide, manage. In love, you are careful. You tend to have strong relationships, preferably with partners who expect you to make decisions and protect. You like to set limits and make sure that your partner does not go beyond them.


You have a slight tendency to dominate. You set the tone and strive to maintain control over the situation. Sex is that rare moment when you drop your armor and open up to your feelings.

Who do you need

Discreet, gentle partner, best admired by you. You avoid extroverts, adventurers, seducers.

Compatible colors

Red, giving a sense of security. Yellow is brilliant and secular. Purple, able to inspire love at first sight and break through your armor.



This color symbolizes acceptance and the ability to listen to yourself. In love, he represents pure femininity, whether he refers to a man or a woman. You are sensitive and understand the feelings of others, radiate a soft and light energy that attracts, calms and bewitches.


Tenderness, sophistication, fantasy, the ability to live and express your feminine. Sex for you is alchemy, in which polar opposites complement each other.

Who do you need

A sensitive, receptive and mature enough partner to accept his and your feminine. Trust should be complete, and communication should be lively, easy and sophisticated.

Compatible colors

Green is because of its sensitivity. Blue – because of his fantasy, sense of beauty, sophistication. Purple – because of the symbiosis of the heart, body and spirit.

About expert

Frédérique Pétorin, Personal Development Consultant. She designed a set of cards “Know thyself through colors” (“Se connaître par les couleurs”).

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