How do you know when your liver is running low? [INFOGRAPHICS]

The liver is one of our busiest organs. It metabolizes, filters, removes toxins, supports immunity, and stores many essential ingredients. She’s not innervated, so there’s no way to let us know that something is wrong. However, there are many signs that it is not functioning properly.

Loss of appetite

If the person has never had problems with appetite and suddenly she loses it, maybe her liver begins to fail. This organ plays an important role in the digestive process and disruptions in its functioning can cause unpleasant symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and loss of appetite.

  1. See also: Liver disease

Discoloration of the skin

Yellowing of the skin it is a signal that the liver is not working properly, it has a problem with filtering toxins and secreting bile. The change in skin color may indicate viral hepatitis, cirrhosis, or gallstone disease.

Tongue raid

A harbinger of serious liver problems is yellow coating on the tongue. Its intensity and color depends on the type of pathology. It may indicate hepatitis, cholestasis or other ailments.

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Discoloration of urine and stools

Associated with liver disease elevated bilirubin levels gives the urine a yellow tint. There is also an intensely yellow foam. Stool discoloration is also characteristic of some disease states.

To avoid liver problems, order FOR THE LIVER – herbal tea with artichoke, turmeric, knotweed and nettle in the composition.

Learn more about the symptoms of a sick liver in our infographic:

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