How do you know when you are one step away from diabetes? One of the marks appears on the skin
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Watching your body closely can help prevent the development of many serious health conditions. Diabetes is one of the more and more common diseases of affluence. Although genetic predisposition is of great importance, in many cases, lifestyle changes prevent the development of pathological changes in the body. Early detection of abnormal glucose metabolism may prevent the development of type 2 diabetes.

  1. Early recognition of symptoms and signs of pancreatic problems can prevent the development of diabetes
  2. A diabetic’s diet can be tasty, so you should consult a qualified dietitian.
  3. Healthy habits are crucial in treating diabetes and can prevent you from getting sick
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. How are they different?

Even with a very healthy and hygienic lifestyle, it is not always possible to avoid diabetes. There are two main types of this disease. Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease, which means that the immune system destroys its own cells and tissues. The development of this disease is genetic and consists in the degeneration of beta cells, which are responsible for the production of insulin. This type of diabetes is called insulin dependent diabetes, and its symptoms come on suddenly. If you develop symptoms that indicate this condition, you should act as quickly as possible to prevent the life-threatening ketoacidosis.

Symptoms of type 1 diabetes include:

  1. weight loss
  2. increased thirst
  3. dry mouth
  4. passing large amounts of urine frequently
  5. itching and dry skin
  6. weakness and lack of energy
  7. bedwetting
  8. calf cramps
  9. unpleasant acetonic odor from the mouth
  10. sight problems.

Pathological processes in the body that draw energy from adipose tissue instead of glucose cause the synthesis of ketone bodies. Failure to react quickly enough may result in metabolic acidosis leading to coma or death. A doctor informed about a sudden onset of symptoms will order blood and urine tests. If it is type 1 diabetes, the blood glucose level will be greatly exceeded (e.g. 300 mg / dL or more) and there will be sugar and acetone in the urine.

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Type 2 diabetes may be related to a genetic predisposition, but environmental factors are key to its development. The problem may worsen for many years, and a sick person may not be aware of pathological changes taking place in the body for a long time. It is type 2 diabetes that occurs in 90% of people. sick. This means that a very large group of people has a great influence on the development of their disease, and is even able to stop it. Changing the lifestyle is a basic thing that every diabetic should introduce to his everyday life. Type 2 diabetes is considered a disease of civilization and more and more often it also affects young people.

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What is happening in the body of a diabetic? Symptoms

Type 1 diabetes, called insulin-dependent diabetes, develops relatively slowly. The pancreas, which is responsible for the production of insulin, is responsible for the appropriate level of sugar in the blood. The islets of Langerhans, or beta cells, are responsible for the secretion of this hormone. The influence of unfavorable factors leads to the impairment of tissues, which becomes less sensitive to the action of insulin. Despite the increased synthesis of this hormone, glucose is not used to produce energy, and its concentration in the blood begins to exceed normal levels. Excessive stimulation of beta cells that build the pancreas leads to disruption of this organ and its degeneration, which results in insufficient insulin production.

  1. Blood sugar level. How to read the results?

A person who notices disturbing symptoms should consult a doctor. The main ailments on the part of the body with elevated glucose levels are:

  1. mood swings
  2. problems with concentration
  3. increased hunger and thirst
  4. fungal infections
  5. passing large amounts of urine frequently
  6. dizziness
  7. apathy
  8. lack of energy
  9. blurred vision
  10. leg cramps
  11. difficult wound healing
  12. itching and dry skin
  13. mouth infections
  14. intimate infections
  15. drowsiness after meals.

A person with type 2 diabetes is unlikely to develop all symptoms, and their worsening may be slow and may take several years.

How can I stop the development of diabetes?

The development of type 2 diabetes is associated with an unhygienic lifestyle. The main factors in determining pancreatic problems are overweight, obesity and an unhealthy diet. In order to prevent the development of the disease and the need to implement pharmacotherapy, the following should be eliminated:

  1. highly processed food, rich in fats
  2. products containing glucose-fructose syrup, sugar, molasses, malt
  3. alcohol
  4. dried fruits
  5. sweetened drinks and juices
  6. grapes, bananas
  7. fatty cheeses, cream
  8. simple carbohydrates.

If you’re having a hard time eliminating simple sugar-rich sweets completely, try switching to sweet snacks, but with no added sugar. At Medonet Market you will find a wide range of Mercatare white sugar free sweet products. These are, for example, Cocoa-nut cream with stevia Torras 200g, Cookies with chocolate pieces without added Florbu sugar or wafers filled with no added Florbu sugar.

Changing the menu is a key factor in improving the glycemic index. To avoid hyperglycaemia, which is blood sugar levels well above the normal range, you should eat smaller meals five times a day.

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If you want to control the development of diabetes, it is worth visiting not only a diabetologist, but also a dietitian. This specialist, agreeing with the patient’s preferences, will suggest specific dishes and compose recipes for individually selected dishes. A diabetic’s diet does not have to be monotonous and boring in taste. It is enough to get to know the composition of the consumed products better and to provide with food a balanced amount of key ingredients for health. Due to the fact that diabetes is sometimes a consequence of overweight and obesity (especially abdominal), in order to improve the work of the pancreas, you should introduce a reduction diet – that is, one that allows you to lose weight.

White Mulberry Leaf tea, which you can buy at Medonet Market, will be helpful in the treatment of diabetes.

You cannot forget about physical activity. A sedentary lifestyle promotes weight gain, which results in disturbed functioning of many internal organs. A diabetic should take care of regular exercise and exercise. It is enough to spend about 30 minutes a day on them. A noticeable improvement in health should take place after a weight loss of 5-7 percent. The type and intensity of activity should be consulted with a diabetologist. Playing sports is not only a way to slow down the development of the disease, but also an element of prevention against diabetes.

What to do to avoid diabetes?

While a predisposition to develop diabetes may be inherited, it should not be taken for granted. People over 45 years of age with a family history of this disease should have regular blood tests. Type 2 diabetes was once associated mainly with the elderly, but the rapid development of the global problem of obesity has resulted in younger and younger people suffering from it. Lack of exercise, a sedentary lifestyle, stress, stimulants, lack of sleep – these are factors that have a destructive effect on the human body. Regular check-ups are not enough to avoid diabetes. Changing your lifestyle is essential to staying healthy and fit.

According to the data of the International Diabetes Federation, over 425 million people, including 3 million Poles, have diabetes. To reduce the risk of getting sick, you should:

  1. quit smoking
  2. reduce alcohol consumption
  3. limit the consumption of simple sugars
  4. be physically active
  5. eat regularly (more but less)
  6. sleep well
  7. minimize stress (e.g. with meditation or relaxation exercises).
  8. Does drinking coffee reduce the risk of diabetes and help lower blood pressure?

An interesting discovery by the Dutch is the fact that regular coffee drinking can reduce the risk of developing diabetes by up to 21 percent. It is also worth knowing that the ingredients contained in dark chocolate reduce insulin resistance of cells.

  1. Insulin resistance: if left untreated, it leads to diabetes. But it is possible to turn back from this path

If you think you are likely to have diabetes, see your doctor and tell them about your concerns.

In the case of disturbing symptoms, it is worth checking your health by performing a package of diagnostic tests. Early diagnosis of diabetes and regular monitoring of diabetes is important for your well-being and health.

The basic test in this situation is to measure the level of blood sugar in a fasting state, as well as to conduct a glucose load test. If the results do not show significant hyperglycaemia, but the norms are exceeded, the patient may be developing pre-diabetes. Then the risk of developing type 2 diabetes increases significantly. It should not be taken lightly and it is worth starting to control your body weight, introduce a healthy diet and start physical activity, because changing your lifestyle can prevent the development of the disease.

What is gestational diabetes?

Hormones such as progesterone, prolactin, estrogens and placental lactogen may interfere with the effective action of insulin, therefore a glucose loading test is performed in pregnant women. Gestational diabetes occurs relatively rarely, in about 3-4 percent. of future mothers, but if undetected, it may adversely affect the development of the fetus. Testing for proper carbohydrate metabolism and blood glucose levels is performed between the 24th and 28th week of pregnancy. It consists in measuring the fasting glycemic index, drinking a solution containing 75 mg of glucose and repeating the measurement after 2 hours. You must not eat or drink anything between blood sampling.

When the blood sugar level is too high, the doctor in charge of the pregnancy takes steps to lower the blood glucose level. Initially, the recommendation for the future mother may be to modify the diet to the one used by people with type 2 diabetes. If the changes do not reduce blood sugar, it is necessary to use insulin therapy. Early detection of gestational diabetes helps to prevent complications such as:

  1. developmental defects of the fetus
  2. premature birth
  3. neonatal jaundice
  4. macrosomia (high birth weight of a child – over 4,2 kg)
  5. miscarriage.

The development of this condition is not always related to the predisposition to its occurrence, but certain factors may increase the risk of developing it. They include:

  1. overweight and obesity
  2. age of the woman over 35
  3. hypertension
  4. Polycystic ovary syndrome
  5. giving birth to a child weighing 4 kg or more
  6. a family history of type 2 diabetes
  7. past miscarriages
  8. giving birth to a child with a developmental defect.

The implemented treatment of gestational diabetes can inhibit its development, and abnormalities in carbohydrate metabolism will not adversely affect the child’s development.

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