How Do You Know When Death Is Coming? «Very often the patient is not ready»

The departure of a loved one is usually a moment of emotional testing for the whole family. The human body sends signals that it is over several hours before death. Doctors advise on how to read them and how to talk to the patient.

  1. In the last months of life, patients’ interest in the world decreases
  2. Then, several hours before death, the body sends signals that it is getting ready to leave. One of them is the bruising of the skin on the arms or legs
  3. Experts advise how to talk to the dying person. Sometimes he is not ready to accept the whole truth, suggests the psycho-oncologist
  4. Death must be confirmed by the doctor who issues the death certificate
  5. More similar stories can be found on the TvoiLokony home page

Determining whether a slow dying period of a loved one has already started is very difficult and is associated with long-term observation of the patient and changes in his appearance and behavior. Symptoms of impending death may appear hours, days or even weeks before death. However, it all depends on the disease with which he is struggling. Typically, this process takes place in steps that may be intertwined.

– First of all, in the last months of life interest in the outside world decreases. The sick person reflects on his life, remembers and assesses how he lived, what he regrets and what he is proud of. He also tries to bring to an end unresolved matters – explains doc. Małgorzata Krajnik from the Department and Institute of Palliative Care, CM UMK, quoted by PAP.

The most common symptoms of impending death include:

  1. Changes in appearance, incl. tightening of facial features.
  2. Blue skin on the hands or feet as a result of worsening heart performance.
  3. Progressive weakness and the associated increasing need for support from the environment.
  4. Excessive sleepiness and confusion, lack of response to stimuli. 
  5. Agitation, anxiety, disturbed consciousness.
  6. Shortness of breath, apnea, i.e. moments when the patient stops breathing and suddenly begins to breathe again, shortness of breath.
  7. Problem with taking food, fluids and medications.
  8. The severity of pain related to the disease, but also resulting from the patient’s serious condition.

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How to behave when a loved one dies?

It is worth consciously accompanying your loved ones in their last moments, not only saying goodbye to them, but also listening to what they have to say. If the dying person asks for a conversation about going away, it should not be avoided. It is a kind of symbol of trust and a moment to finally put things in order and any misunderstandings.

– In general, however, two universal principles should be applied in such matters: firstly, we should not lie, and secondly, we should tell the patient as much as he wants to know. Very often the patient is not ready to accept the whole truth, suggests Dr. Paweł Witt, a psycho-oncologist.

As the doctor adds in an interview with PAP, from what the patient hears from the doctor or reads in the documentation, he selects only some information that he is able to bear. – I think that many sick people do not want to know what it really is. They also often have to mature for it – emphasizes Dr. Witt.

However, on the other hand, the patient’s decision should not be questioned or questioned. When talking about what and how is going to happen after the death of a loved one, you can ask and suggest various solutions. It’s part of getting used to the thought of leaving. It may also happen that we ourselves find it difficult to get used to the thought of the passing away of a loved one. Then it is worth helping yourself and talking to a therapist.

  1. Read: Change to soap, squeaks and excretions. This is how our body behaves after death

«Honest conversation about impending death has liberating power for both sides, but it is terribly difficult to dare. It is good when people finally meet in this – known to both sides – truth, they throw themselves around each other’s necks »wrote Fr. Jan Kaczkowski in the book “There is no madness, there is cancer”.

The patient is often afraid of pain and other symptoms related to death, and wonders what death looks like. It is worth providing him with constant support, his presence, and the necessary drugs.

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What to do when someone dies at home?

If the death of a loved one occurred in a hospital or other medical facility, the matter is simple: the death certificate is issued by the attending physician. As the Małopolska branch of the National Health Fund reminds us, in accordance with the law, issuing the death certificate is the responsibility of the doctor who last provided the patient with medical services within 30 days before the death date. Exceptions to this rule apply to deaths caused by a crime or, if there is no doctor required to issue a death certificate, or if such a doctor resides at a distance of more than 4 km from the place where the body is located, or due to illness or other justified reasons, he cannot inspect the body within 12 hours of being called. Then the death card is issued by the doctor who confirmed the death while being called for an accident or sudden illness, regardless of whether he is an ambulance worker or provides benefits in a different form.

Only after obtaining a death certificate, the body can take the funeral home.

Read also:

  1. What happens to a corpse in a hospital? An identifier and a special capsule
  2. Did the «Nightmare on Elm Street» happen really? People died in their sleep crying
  3. Our body does not all die at the same time. He dies in installments
  4. Difficult beginnings of an autopsy. Anatomists invested in “armored” coffins

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