How do you know if your liver is barely healed?

The number of patients suffering from liver diseases is growing every year. Their development is led by metabolic disorders, poisoning with drugs or chemicals, injuries, and neoplasms. Even stress and stimulants can cause disturbances in its functioning. How can you tell if the liver cannot cope with the loads? What to pay attention to in order to capture the disease at its earliest stage and give yourself a chance for effective therapy?

  1. The liver is a non-innervated organ, therefore it does not send any pain signals. This may lull you into vigilance
  2. Pay close attention to unusual symptoms that are easy to ignore, ascribing them to a temporary decline in form
  3. In the event of specific symptoms, you must immediately see a doctor and start treatment
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Liver diseases – insidious because it is asymptomatic

Man is used to the fact that a sick organ makes itself felt with pain: the heart stings, the stomach burns, the joints are stiff and swollen. It is different with the liver. When it starts to harass pain in the right hypochondrium, it means that the disease has taken a dangerous turn. The liver cannot send alarm signals to the brain because it lacks innervation, so it is only in the advanced stage of the disease that the liver may start to ache due to the significant enlargement of its size.

The enlarged organ begins to put pressure on the liver capsule surrounding it, which is strongly vascularized. This is where persistent darkening or pulling pains come from. An enlarged liver can also put pressure on adjacent organs, giving it a feeling of crowding under the ribs. However, for this to happen, the disease process has to go a long way.

However, patients are not doomed to live in ignorance. Other, far more subtle and apparently unrelated symptoms to the liver should light an alarm light in your head and prompt you to see a doctor.

Take preventive care of your liver by drinking an infusion prepared on the basis of SteroHerbs Liver – a herbal mixture available on Medonet Market at a favorable price.

The rest of the text below the video.

Liver – how do you know if it is ailing?

The thought of a liver abnormality may lead to certain symptoms, such as the following:

  1. Loss of appetite. If a person has never had an appetite problem and is suddenly losing it, their liver may be failing. This organ plays an important role in the digestive process and disruptions in its functioning can cause unpleasant symptoms in the form of nausea, vomitingand loss of appetite.
  2. Gallbladder problems. Unpleasant gallbladder symptoms may indicate liver problems. Its overload caused by the consumption of fatty foods, fast food and alcohol abuse can lead to excessive production of bile, deposited in the form of deposits in the gallbladder. 
  3. Pale skin. One of the most common visible symptoms of liver dysfunction is pale skin. This change may be accompanied by the formation of discoloration and moles. The observed changes should be consulted with a dermatologist, but the liver should also be examined.
  4. Problems with memory and concentration. If patients start to slow down, unexpectedly for themselves, it is difficult for them to collect their thoughts, accompanied by a feeling of disorientation or confusion, it does not always have to be caused by the banal decline in form. When the liver is not efficient enough to eliminate toxins from the body, they disrupt the normal functioning of the body. Their accumulation causes drowsiness, lack of energy and fatigue.

What is the condition of your liver? It is worth doing preventive examinations, at least once a year. The Liver Pack is available from Medonet Market.

Liver – symptoms requiring urgent intervention

While loss of appetite, lack of concentration or energy may be a symptom of many diseases, with the following symptoms you should urgently see a doctor:

  1. Pain and discomfort. Painful sensations are mostly concentrated in the right hypochondrium and they can radiate into the interscapular area or under the right shoulder blade. Based on the type and severity of the pain, it is possible to judge what pathology of the liver is. For example, mild, dull pain accompanied by a feeling of fullness may indicate ongoing inflammation caused by toxins. In this case, the patient has a problem with identifying the focus of pain.

Intense pain in the right hypochondrium indicates severe inflammation such as a liver abscess. It is also accompanied by gallstone disease, liver injuries and hepatic colic, for which it is responsible for the movement of deposits in the bile ducts.

  1. Vomiting and feeling sick quite often accompany diseases of the digestive system. If the liver is affected, the symptoms are more severe. Nausea starts appetite problems – it is getting weaker or completely disappearing. There is disgust towards specific foods, especially those with a high fat content. In some cases, the episodes of nausea end in vomiting which is temporarily improved. Liver problems are indicated by the presence of bile in the vomit.
  2. Symptoms in the mouth. A characteristic symptom of serious liver problems is yellow coating on the tongue. Its intensity and color depends on the type of pathology. For example, a slight yellowing of the tip of the tongue may indicate early hepatitis. Yellow-green coating is typical for serious diseases of the digestive system organs, bile ducts or the liver. The stagnation of bile is expressed by an intensely yellow bloom

The patient may feel unpleasant bitterness in the mouth, which occurs when bile enters the gastrointestinal tract. Clearly bitter aftertaste may be a symptom of viral hepatitis, cancer or cirrhosis, as well as gastrointestinal or gallbladder disease. In addition to the bitter aftertaste, the mouth sometimes has a musty, sweet smell, accompanied by constipation or diarrhea, flatulence and vomiting. These symptoms are evidence of a digestive system problem caused by a diseased liver.

  1. Increased body temperature. This symptom indicates the presence of a pathogen that our body is trying to fight. Increased temperature oscillating between 37,5-38 degrees C. may occur in the course of cirrhosis and viral hepatitis. In the case of diseases of the biliary tract, the temperature may rise above 39 degrees Celsius. In these conditions, the patient exhibits twitching of mimic and skeletal muscles.
  2. Discoloration of urine and stools. Characteristic for viral hepatitis and cirrhosis elevated bilirubin levels gives the urine a yellow tint. When shaken, an intensely yellow foam appears on it. For some disease states, stool discoloration is also characteristic, accompanied by increased temperature and unpleasant sensations in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium. There may also be bouts of nausea.
  3. Change in the color of the skin and mucous membranes. The accumulation of bile within the body’s tissues causes a change in the color of the mucous membranes and skin. This is how viral hepatitis or cirrhosis can manifest, especially if the clinical picture is complemented by dark urine and light stools. Yellowing of the skin it is also accompanied by gallstone disease. Problems with bile secretion sometimes manifest as brown spots of varying degrees of saturation. They usually appear in the groin, armpits and hands.
  4. Other skin symptoms. An additional symptom observed in the course of liver diseases is the so-called spider veins. They usually appear on the cheeks and back and are caused by metabolic disorders as well as increased fragility of blood vessels. With many years of neglected disease, bruises can appear even with little pressure on the skin.

They occur in the course of autoimmune and viral hepatitis skin rashes and redness that may develop into psoriasis or atopic dermatitis. A characteristic manifestation of chronic liver disease is erythema on the hands and feet. Under the influence of pressure, the reddening of the skin fades. After it is lifted, the erythema turns red again.

  1. Hormonal changesEndocrine disorders occur in chronic liver diseases. They result in the loss of pubic hair and underarm hair. Under the influence of an excess of female hormones, men experience testicular atrophy and enlargement of the glandular mammary glands. In women, estrogen levels increase, which is associated with troublesome premenstrual tension and cycle disorders.
  2. Poisoning with toxins. Since the liver is responsible for filtering and removing toxic substances from the body, it damages it poisoning the body with all its consequences. These include unpleasant sensations in muscles and joints, lack of appetite, feeling crushed, and weight loss.

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Liver disease diagnosis

Yellowing of the skin, severe pains in the right hypochondrium or bile vomiting specific symptoms of a diseased liverwhich appear at a time when the organ has long been unable to cope with the burdens. Hence the need to listen to your body and catch more subtle signals. They should prompt you to see a doctor who will refer you to a gastroenterologist or hepatologist.

It is worth exercising regularly Laboratory teststhat will help determine how your liver is coping with its tasks. Disruption of one or more of its functions shapes the clinical picture on the basis of which a diagnosis can be made. The following tests are helpful in diagnosing liver disease:

  1. measurement total bilirubin,
  2. determination of bilirubin in urine
  3. mark bile acids,
  4. concentration test albumin,
  5. test of prothrombin time,
  6. concentration test cholinesterazy,
  7. level mark liver enzymes (TOOL, ALT, AspAT, AST).

Laboratory tests are not the only way to diagnose the disease. Imaging diagnostic methods are also widely used to confirm or rule out the diagnosis, determine the advancement of pathology and monitor the course of the disease. These include ultrasound, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, elastography and biopsy.

Some liver diseases can have the most serious consequences, including death. Therefore, when the first disturbing symptoms appear, you should not delay the visit to the doctor who will refer you for comprehensive examinations.

To avoid liver problems, order FOR THE LIVER – herbal tea with artichoke, turmeric, knotweed and nettle in the composition. You can buy the tea separately or in FOR THE LIVER – a herbal set, in which you will additionally find Silymarin capsules and Gallbladder capsules.

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