How do you know if your kidneys are in bad shape? They get sick quietly and insidiously

Sick kidneys do not hurt. Hence, we often fail to notice that something is wrong with them. Meanwhile, living with sick, untreated kidneys can lead to poisoning and even life-threatening. It is also important to know that if they fail, it cannot be reversed. How do you know when your kidneys are calling for help? The signals are subtle. You will notice them, among others on the skin.

  1. According to estimates, up to 95 percent. people with sick kidneys die prematurely due to late or wrong diagnosis. All because diseased kidneys do not give clear symptoms for a long time, they do not hurt
  2. Up to 4,5 million Poles have sick kidneys, most of them do not know about it
  3. Signals that may indicate a deteriorating condition of the kidneys include: swelling, fatigue and lack of energy, bad breath
  4. The best way to monitor your kidney health is through regular check-ups
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

The kidneys get sick insidiously. Why don’t we feel pain?

The kidneys are one of the most important organs in our body. Their role is not limited to purifying the blood and excreting (with urine) harmful metabolic products. It is thanks to them that it is possible to maintain the natural balance of the body. The kidneys are of great importance for bone health, as well as the proper blood pressure and acid-base balance. They also produce the compounds necessary for our functioning. An example is erythropoietin (a hormone that stimulates the production of red blood cells).

So you can see that the condition of the whole organism depends on the health of the kidneys. Unfortunately, the kidneys suffer insidiously. They do not give clear symptoms for a long time, they do not hurt (the kidney parenchyma has no sensory nerve endings) – pain appears only when the kidney capsule is affected or when there is pressure on it, e.g. as a result of swelling. This makes the disease go unnoticed. The result may be the poisoning of the body by toxins and damage to many organs, and the kidneys themselves can also be irreversibly damaged. It’s worth remembering that kidney problems can also mean a greater risk of atherosclerosis and heart disease.

  1. The five worst kidney diseases

It is estimated that 95 percent. people with sick kidneys die prematurely due to late or wrong diagnosis. Meanwhile, up to 4,5 million Poles have sick kidneys, and most have no idea about it. How do I know if my kidneys are sick? Meet the eight subtle signs. Don’t ignore them!

Unusual symptoms of kidney problems. Dizziness, fatigue

Severe renal impairment can lead to a build-up of toxins and pollutants in the blood. This, in turn, can cause fatigue, weakness, and problems with concentration.

Another complication of kidney disease is anemia, which can also manifest as weakness, fatigue, looking pale, or headaches. In this case, anemia develops due to the reduced production of the erythropoietin already mentioned.

Prophylactically and as an auxiliary during the treatment of kidney ailments, use Kidneys – a natural herbal mixture of Lorem Vit, which includes: warty birch leaf, bearberry leaf, common nettle leaf and dandelion leaf.

Unusual symptoms of kidney problems. Chronic itching

Excess urea in the blood caused by kidney failure can cause severe itching of the skin – a symptom that should not be taken lightly. According to research published a few years ago in “Seminars in Nefrology” (publishes discoveries, advances and new concepts in clinical practice of nephrology) even 40 percent patients with end-stage kidney disease experienced pruritus or chronic pruritus. Dry skin may also be a signal of kidney problems.

These symptoms may indicate that the kidneys are no longer able to maintain a proper balance of minerals in the blood.

Unusual symptoms of kidney problems. Swelling around the eyes

Kidney problems can cause fluid or waste products (such as sodium) to build up in the body. This situation leads to swelling in various areas of the body, often around the eyes or on the face. It may also be caused by excessive protein excretion in the urine, e.g. in nephrotic syndrome.

  1. The role of sodium in the body, deficiency symptoms, the effects of excess

Edema of the kidney may appear or intensify at night, especially in the morning (face, eyelid area). They gradually disappear during the day. As a result, patients often ignore these first signals as a consequence of not getting enough sleep. As the disease progresses, swelling becomes increasingly visible and affects other parts of the body, including the backs of the hands and feet. More about edema of renal origin.

Unusual symptoms of kidney problems. Bad breath

A common symptom associated with kidney disease is bad breath. As explained by the drug. Jennifer Schau, this happens when the kidneys are unable to filter the excess urea out of the bloodstream.

Unfortunately, this is not the end. Gum disease and dental problems can also be the result. An analysis published a few years ago in the Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences found that patients with chronic kidney disease are much more likely to develop periodontal disease, gingival overgrowth and dry mouth.

Unusual symptoms of kidney problems. Constipation

Kidney problems can also cause bowel dysfunction, manifested by constipation. The risk of their occurrence is increased by chronic kidney disease (CKD). There are many reasons, including reduced physical activity, impaired fluid balance, medications.

It is also known that CKD is associated with changes in the composition and function of the gut microflora, which may result in decreased intestinal motility.

When you struggle with chronic constipation, it is worth undergoing diagnostic diagnostic tests for bowel diseases.

Unusual symptoms of kidney problems. Frothy urine

When kidney function is impaired, foam may form when urinating, which does not disappear after flushing the toilet. This could be a signal that urine contains more protein. This may be accompanied by symptoms such as swelling of the feet, hands and face.

At Medonet Market you can buy General mail order urinalysis – 10 urine parameters. You can make them yourself at home and check if there is protein in the urine.

There are many reasons for the appearance of protein in the urine, but when it comes to the kidneys, it is, for example, in glomerulonephritis, nephrotic syndrome, Fanconi syndrome. It is worth knowing that a trace of protein in the urine may also appear after strenuous exercise, in fever, stress, and in women during menstruation or pregnancy.

The best way to check your kidneys

Detecting kidney disease too late is a big problem for patients and doctors alike. Hence, it is so important to pay attention to sometimes subtle changes in the functioning of the body. However, the best way to monitor your kidneys is through regular tests, including a urinalysis and blood creatinine levels. A healthy person should do them at least once a year.

  1. Renal profile – studies for patients with kidneys [EXPLAINED]

Get a urine test with a blood count now. These basic laboratory tests can determine your health condition and check that there is nothing wrong with your body.

Interpretation of urine test results requires consultation with your doctor. Make an online teleconsultation appointment with your family doctor on the website. You will learn what your results mean and in which direction you should start treatment.

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