How do you know if your colon is out of shape? The first signals

Most often, when we even think about the state of our digestive system, we worry about the liver and stomach. We rarely think of the large intestine, although it is there that processes take place, the disturbance of which we will probably see most quickly. The organism gives us concrete signs that the condition of this organ leaves much to be desired. Check how to find out if the colon is out of shape and requires increased attention.

  1. Many digestive ailments that most of us experience sporadically are related to a poor diet or lack of physical activity
  2. It happens, however, that they are a signal of serious diseases and require urgent consultation with a doctor
  3. Alarming symptoms include flatulence, irregular bowel movements, pain in the lower back, and blood in the stools
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Irregular bowel movements and constipation

Everyone thinks about it, nobody likes to talk about it. Defecation is definitely not an easy topic for us, even when the interlocutor is a digestive professional. However, consultation with a doctor is advisable when we go to the toilet with unusual or negligible regularity. What does this mean in practice?

Doctors assume that we can talk about deviations from the norm in terms of defecation when we pass stool less than three times a week. Most people (with a healthy digestive tract) have a bowel movement every day or several times a week. If we notice a deviation from this rule, it is worth taking a closer look at the problem – especially if irregular bowel movements are accompanied by other gastrointestinal symptoms, which you can read about below.

Constipation is also associated with irregular bowel movements. Sometimes these terms are used interchangeably, but constipation is a broader concept. They also include other symptoms of the digestive system, such as problems with defecation (especially in the early stage of excretion), the need for excessive pressure, the feeling of incomplete bowel movements or the expulsion of dry, compact stool.

To reduce digestive problems that arise in different situations, use Daily Lightness for digestion. You can buy the supplement at a promotional price on Medonet Market.

The rest of the article is available under the video.

Unusual stool color

Any change in the appearance of faeces should be associated with increased vigilance. Of course, there are times when the color of the stool changes with the food you eat. As a rule, with a diet rich in meat, it is darker, while in the case of a menu based on fruit and vegetables – lighter (although, for example, consumption of forest fruits has the opposite effect). Some medications also modify the stool color, and its color is influenced by the various stages of digestion.

In some situations, however the change in the color of your stools should be disturbing. When it is pitch black, it may be a sign of bleeding from part of your digestive tract. The suspect is also a very bright color (yellow, “clay”) and green, which may suggest infection, inflammation. The presence of blood in the stool is also alarming – in any case it requires consultation with a general practitioner or specialist.

Bloating and a feeling of fullness

This is a common problem and one of the most common digestive ailments. Bloating can be caused by any number of reasons. In many cases, they are the result of an improper diet and / or limited physical activity, as well as excessive air intake (this happens, for example, when we talk a lot while eating). As a consequence, excess gas builds up in the large intestine, causing discomfort.

In most people, flatulence is a problem that passes by itself – the ailment lasts 1-2 days, for example after eating a larger or more difficult to digest than usual meal. However, sometimes they persist for a long time, hindering everyday functioning. In such a situation, it is worth performing basic laboratory and imaging tests to which the doctor will refer.

Harmonix 500 ml – a natural, herbal dietary supplement supporting the functioning of the intestines may prove helpful in the fight against abdominal distension.

Pain in the abdomen or lower back

Abdominal pain is a symptom that may indicate a variety of ailments and diseases. If it’s intermittent, it shouldn’t be alarming – most likely we ate something stale or too much. However, if the pain is regular and we experience discomfort every day, we should see a doctor.

The colon “hurts” most often in the abdomen, which is the longest and largest part of the large intestine. Its “route” runs along the right side of the abdomen, then across the abdomen and down the left side. This positioning is especially troublesome when we feel pain because it is very difficult to identify where it is precisely (sometimes it radiates to the sides and back, especially to the lower part).

Colon pain can be caused by many factors, from constipation and diarrhea to irritable bowel syndrome and cancer.. In order to determine the cause of pain, it is necessary to perform specialist examinations, e.g. Abdominal ultrasound and colonoscopy.

Daily colon support

Although we do not always have an influence on the appearance of ailments from the colon (e.g. when we are burdened with a hereditary or chronic disease), we can significantly reduce the risk of symptoms caused by the lifestyle we lead.

So what can you do to support the proper functioning of your colon?

  1. drink water – Staying hydrated is half the battle because fluids help transport unused body contents, reducing the risk of constipation;
  2. be physically active – even a short, 20-minute walk every day is a tribute to better intestinal peristalsis;
  3. reach for products rich in roughage – as long as you do not suffer from a disease in which excess fiber is harmful (e.g. stomach ulcers, intestinal inflammation), remember to enrich your diet with this valuable ingredient that supports metabolism and regular bowel movements;
  4. study yourself – perform basic laboratory tests regularly, and if you are 45 years of age or older, sign up for a colonoscopy (do it earlier if you have a family history of people with gastrointestinal diseases). This test will detect many diseases at an early stage, which significantly improves the prognosis and increases the effectiveness of their treatment.

Strong menstrual pain is not always “so beautiful” or a woman’s hypersensitivity. Endometriosis may be behind such a symptom. What is this disease and how is living with it? Listen to the podcast about endometriosis by Patrycja Furs – Endo-girl.

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