How do you know if you have multiple sclerosis? List of research

Multiple sclerosis is a disease whose causes have not been fully understood. It is also not easy to diagnose, because the symptoms are not clear-cut and are not always of the same intensity. How do you know if you have MS? We explain what tests should be performed to obtain a clear diagnosis and start treatment.

  1. Multiple sclerosis is not easy to diagnose. There is no single test that can confirm or rule out a disease
  2. There can be many symptoms of MS, and some of them are common to other conditions as well. Therefore, it is worth performing basic tests that will allow the neurologist to make a diagnosis and implement treatment
  3. The most important test that can confirm multiple sclerosis is MRI of the head, brain and spinal cord
  4. More important information can be found on the TvoiLokony home page

Chronic fatigue, not justified by increased effort, visual disturbances, lack of sensation in the limbs, balance disorders. This is how multiple sclerosis begins – a disease of the central nervous system that most often affects people aged 20-40. In Poland, about 45 thousand people suffer from MS. people. Symptoms of the disease usually appear periodically and are not clear-cut, so the correct diagnosis usually appears quite late.

  1. Antek Królikowski suffers from multiple sclerosis. It is a “disease with many faces”. How to recognize it?

For starters – an interview with a neurologist

What tests are worth doing to confirm or rule out the disease? There is no such thing that would unambiguously indicate the presence of the disease, but a neurologist may order a number of different tests that, if performed comprehensively, will help to make a proper diagnosis. The basis is, of course, a medical history and checking what symptoms cause the patient’s anxiety.

In addition to the symptoms listed above that are characteristic of multiple sclerosis, it is also worth mentioning: problems with speech (gibbering, slow speech), problems with urinating and defecation, emotional and cognitive disorders (depression), muscle stiffness, muscle spasms, pathological reflexes, problems with maintaining balance and coordination of movements or trembling hands. Perhaps the most troublesome symptom, however, is constant fatigue.

  1. The first symptoms of multiple sclerosis – what can they look like? WE EXPLAIN

The most important diagnostic tests

The main imaging test to detect multiple sclerosis is MRI of the head, brain and spinal cord. Thanks to very precise imaging, it shows areas of demyelination, i.e. nerves without myelin. But this is not the only test your doctor may order. In addition to magnetic resonance imaging, it is also worth doing:

  1. examination of the cerebrospinal fluid. Through puncture under local anesthesia, a sample of the fluid is collected and subjected to laboratory analysis, which will allow to assess whether there is inflammation in the nervous system. If there are so-called oligoclonal bands, this is SM
  2. evoked potential studies – visual, auditory and somatosensory. They allow the speed of nerve signals conduction to be assessed

It is important to the doctor’s exclusion of other diseases, e.g., Lyme disease, sarcoidosis, and lupus. Some of their symptoms overlap with multiple sclerosis.

Symptomatic treatment and appropriate lifestyle

Multiple sclerosis is treated by preventing and treating the symptoms. During the so-called In the relapse of the disease, steroid drugs are used to reduce the severity of the inflammatory reaction in the demyelinating focus and accelerate the relief of symptoms. By using appropriate medications, the long-term course of the disease can be limited. If the disease is rapidly progressing, the patient is given immunosuppressants.

Adequate lifestyle is also important when treating MS. Caring for the correct weight, avoiding body fatigue, inflammation and stressful situations can protect patients from another relapse.

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Also read:

  1. 10 most expensive diagnostic tests
  2. MRI of the head – how to interpret the results?
  3. Karolina Gruszka suffers from multiple sclerosis. What are the first symptoms of MS?

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