How do you know if it’s a stroke? [WE EXPLAIN]

In the case of a stroke, the statistics are merciless. It is the third most common cause of death among Poles, as well as the main cause of disability in people over 40. In the event of a stroke, reacting as quickly as possible is essential. It’s a race against time.

  1. In Poland, someone experiences a stroke every six to eight minutes
  2. The therapeutic window is short – after six hours the chances of full efficiency are at most 35%.
  3. When a patient is hospitalized within the first three hours, he or she has as much as 70 percent. chances of fitness
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

The stroke does not hurt, but you need to call an ambulance. The ailments will not disappear by themselves

The stroke does not hurt and we delay calling the ambulance. Meanwhile, due to delays in treatment, 30 percent. stroke survivors die within the first month, and 20 percent. patients who survive the acute phase require constant care. That is why neurologists emphasize that in the event of its symptoms, you cannot wait, you have to call the ambulance. The biggest mistake is believing that ailments will pass by themselves. There is no time to check your symptoms online if you suspect a stroke. You need to know them in order to call an ambulance immediately.

  1. See also: Stroke: This problem may also apply to you

Suddenly appearing unilateral symptoms, i.e. hemiparesis, weakening of muscle strength, e.g. half of the face – lowering of the corner of the mouth, paresis of the upper or lower limb, disturbance of sensation on one side of the body, numbness – these are signals that an ambulance needs to be called immediately. It can also be a hemianopia, when both eyes cannot see, for example, the right side. They are also speech disorders, i.e. gibberish speech, inability to understand what others are saying and the utterance of a logical, collective sentence.

The pandemic does not change the rules for managing a stroke

A stroke occurs when the blood vessels that carry oxygen and nutrients to the brain become blocked or damaged by a blood clot. Regardless of whether there is an epidemic, whether a patient is in quarantine or has COVID-19 stored at home, we always call an ambulance immediately in the event of a suspected stroke.

We do not go to the hospital on our own. Even a mild stroke requires hospitalization, because the cause of the stroke is sought in stroke units. In addition, the risk of another stroke, which may be massive, is greatest in the first few days. There are also rolling strokes that can develop, and in the hospital the patient will receive treatment to prevent another stroke.

  1. Omega-3 is a dietary supplement supporting the proper functioning of the brain

In the case of a stroke, it’s a race against time

For acute ischemic strokes, two methods of treatment are used: thrombolytic and mechanical thrombectomy. Thrombolytic therapy allows blood flow to be restored by dissolving the clots by administering the drug intravenously. They can be used effectively up to four and a half hours after a stroke. That is why it is so important to get the patient to the hospital quickly. Mechanical thrombectomy is used for up to six hours, but only when a large intracranial vessel is closed.

Delaying stroke therapy translates into increased mortality and a higher degree of disability in the patient.

Source: Medexpress, author: Halina Pilonis

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