How do you integrate into your new job?

Make a good impression right away

For your first day, take care of appearances without going overboard. Try, as much as possible, to fit into the mold. Your new business does have a “dress code” that you should be able to find up to date according to your sector. Think about the interviews you have had. How were the people dressed? What was the look, the general impression of the reception, in the HRD, passing by your new boss. Strict, relaxed, trendy, fashion?

In short, it’s up to you to investigate. It’s not about dressing up, but about adapting yourself while putting your paw on, the little personal touch that will hit the mark and allow you to feel comfortable, whatever you wear. Pay particular attention to details: hair, skin, nails must be nickels. You have to reflect the image of someone neat, but simple. Ban outfits that are too original, too colorful (more than three different colors in the same outfit, it’s vulgar) or conversely too dark, shapeless, dull: you don’t want to give the image of a depressed rebel? Do in tasteful sobriety. And if your style is to be flamboyant, discipline your mane a little and put away your trinkets, the time to adopt your colleagues (women and men) without scaring them by your too strong personality.

Observe what is happening in the company

Use your news status to watch and learn. Observe what is going on in your department, try to understand how the relationships between people work. Of course, you are expected, and some colleagues may judge you favorably or not at first glance. Even if it means revising their position later. Don’t be like them! Don’t be fooled by appearances or your first impressions. Get ahead of them, watch, listen, in short: pay attention! You will be able to get an idea of ​​the relational issues, and the real role of your colleagues in the dynamics of the group.

You will therefore be rather well received at first glance, with some exceptions (a person in the service believes that you have stolen the place that was rightfully theirs, your reputation as an annoyance precedes you, you are too good in a woman’s environment …) . Take it easy, and your new colleagues, and apply the concept of benevolent neutrality to the letter. Show good humor, display calm and enthusiasm without overdoing it. Over the months, you will discover each person’s personality and you will be able to form your own opinion.

Shut up and smile

We don’t tell you to be as silent as a carp! On the contrary, be helpful and answer kindly all the questions you are asked. On the other hand, avoid trying to impose yourself at all costs. Do not take a seat at lunch with colleagues and do not force yourself to be invited to the back-to-school party if no one offers it to you. You run the risk of robbing people, giving them the impression that you want to intrude too quickly, that you are too ambitious or calculating.

Likewise, if you work in an open space, do not interfere in other people’s conversations to give your opinion all the time when you are not asked. You will annoy everyone! Wait for someone to speak to you and to be a little more “settled” to talk about your daughter’s chickenpox or make nice little things. You can suggest a coffee if you’re going to get one for yourself, but don’t tell your life story after five minutes. It is a subtle balance to be found between discretion and friendliness. If you’ve fallen in a civilized place, the invitations will drop on their own very quickly. The others will be curious to get to know you and eager to join the team.

Avoid clans

If you have applied our good observation advice to the letter, you will quickly discover the different “clans”, inevitable in certain imposing services. Few teams escape small internal struggles and remain truly united. It is a sadly human reality, but people come together more in criticism than in constructive unity. We hope for you that you did not fall into a nest of vipers. Without going that far, small tensions remain common, and very natural between colleagues who work together all day and have not chosen each other! Be very careful and do not participate in any banter.

If your mocking colleagues notice that you are getting into the dance too quickly, they will wonder if you are doing the same with them when their backs are turned. And will soon be wary of you. The people targeted by your new colleagues certainly have interesting or influential personalities, otherwise we wouldn’t be jealous of them. You should take the party of sparing them to preserve the future. And who knows, not to nip possible future friendships in the bud.

Don’t be zealous too quickly

Finally, a detail that is important: the first few weeks, do your job and only yours. The best you can of course, but stick to your strict flower beds. Don’t try to help someone who hasn’t asked you for anything, don’t ask for more work than you already have. It would be badly perceived. You would give the impression that you know everything better than everyone else and others might feel threatened in their territory.

On the other hand, if you encounter management problems, various inconsistencies in the organization of work or the tasks imposed on you, say so. Kindly, but firmly. This will prevent worries that are not yours falling on your back. Show your goodwill and do not refuse to stay a little later from time to time, boom periods exist in all businesses and you must show solidarity. But set your limits right away. Equipped with all these good recommendations, you should easily survive your return to school. And keep some brain time available to take care of your children!

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