How do you get the most vitamin D from the sun? These details make a big difference

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient for our body. Vitamin D, and more precisely D3, plays an important role in building and regenerating bones, prevents cancer, and is responsible for the functioning of the immune, nervous and muscular systems. For its production in 80 percent. the sun answers. So how do you make the most of the sun’s rays? We advise.

  1. Vitamin D3 is synthesized in the skin as a result of UVB radiation. In this way, more than 80 percent. vitamin D3 present in our body.
  2. In Poland, the period when the insolation level is sufficient is quite short. Therefore, it is important to know how best to take advantage of the sun’s rays
  3. The time of day and the surface area of ​​the covered body are the most important
  4. More current information can be found on the Onet homepage.

What’s the best way to get vitamin D from the sun?

When the sun’s rays hit our skin, the process of producing vitamin D begins. You do not need to sunbathe or burn to obtain vitamin D. To ensure that you get the right amount, half the time needed for the skin to start turning into darker.

What are the most important factors to get the most out of the sun’s rays?

Time of day. The skin produces more vitamin D when the sun is at its highest point in the sky, which is noon. However, in the sunny months (in Poland from April to September) you can benefit from the sun from 10 to 15. Remember, however, that with long exposure you should use sunscreen and keep hydrated.

The surface of the exposed skin. The recommendations most often say that short sleeves and shorts are enough to enjoy the benefits of the sun’s rays. However, in this case, the more the better. For example, exposing your back will allow your body to produce more vitamin D than just revealing your face, arms and legs.

The color (complexion) of the skin. The darker the skin color, the less effective vitamin D synthesis is. Conversely, the paler the skin, the faster and greater the absorption of this ingredient.

Of course, there are other factors that influence the production of vitamin D. The closer the country is to the equator, the stronger the sun. Unfortunately, our country lies in a region “neglected” by the sun. It is estimated that as much as 95% of people suffer from vitamin D deficiency due to the geographical location in Poland. inhabitants, regardless of whether they live in the south or in the north of the country. Therefore, trips to warmer countries, such as those located in the Mediterranean basin, allow you to “recharge” yourself better with vitamin D.

However, we must always remember about the negative effects of staying in the sun for too long. It is primarily melanoma, i.e. it is a malignant tumor of the skin. Therefore, we do not wait for the sun to burn our skin, it takes much less time to obtain vitamin D.

On a sunny day, when we do not use UV filters, the optimal time is 15-30 minutes of exposure to the sun between 10-15 hours, with an exposure of 18%. body (short T-shirt and shorts). People with darker skin will need more time for this, up to several hours.

What makes getting vitamin D from the sun difficult?

The use of sunscreen creams protects us from too intense radiation, which reduces the risk of melanoma, but at the same time limits the body’s ability to produce vitamin D.

We will also not produce vitamin D by standing with a closed window, even in full sun, because glass blocks the sun’s UVB rays.

Much also depends on individual characteristics, some people’s skin is less able to produce vitamin D. There are also situations when the body is unable to adequately release vitamin D from fat cells into the bloodstream.

What else may hinder vitamin D synthesis? It’s mainly age. According to a study published some time ago in the Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics of North America, efficiency related to vitamin D production decreases with age.

Obese people with kidney or liver disease may also have a problem with the production of vitamin D.

Cosmetics with filters also make it difficult to absorb vitamin D, but they are necessary to avoid sunburn. Try, for example, Shaka Sun Sunscreen Face Cream Stick.

What is the daily requirement of vitamin D3?

According to the recommendations for supplementation and treatment with vitamin D in Poland, supplementation should take place in the following amounts.

Term newborns and infants:

  1. 0-6 months: 400 IU daily from the first days of life, regardless of the feeding method;
  2. 6-12 months: 400-600 IU per day depending on the daily amount of vitamin D taken with food;

Children (1-10 years old), adolescents (11-18 years old) and adults (19-65 years old)

  1. healthy children, spending time in the sun with uncovered forearms and lower legs for min. 15 minutes from 10 to 15 without sunscreen in the period from May to September do not require supplementation, although it is still recommended and safe;
  2. if the above conditions cannot be met, vitamin supplementation at a dose of 600-1000 IU per day (in children) and 800-2000 IU per day for adolescents and adults is recommended, depending on body weight and vitamin D supply in the diet, throughout year.

Seniors (> 65-75 years old,> 75 years old) and people with dark skin complexion

  1. In this group, the effectiveness of skin synthesis, as well as absorption from the gastrointestinal tract and altered metabolism of vitamin D, may be reduced, therefore supplementation is recommended throughout the year. It is 800-2000 IU daily for the group> 65-75 and people with dark complexion and 2000-4000 IU daily for the group> 75 years old, depending on body weight and vitamin D intake in the diet.

Women during pregnancy and lactation

  1. In this group, it is recommended to supplement with serum 25 (OH) D in order to maintain the optimal concentration in the range> 30-50 ng / ml.
  2. If determination is not possible, then vitamin supplementation at a dose of 2000 IU per day is recommended throughout pregnancy and lactation.

Vitamin D sources other than the sun

Vitamin D can also be obtained from food. Eggs (yolks), fatty fish (sardines, salmon, tuna, herring), mushrooms and dairy products are especially rich in it.

Foods and supplements rich in vitamin D are especially important for people who have difficulty getting vitamin D when out in the sun and for those who cannot spend a lot of time outdoors.

Vitamin D supplementation in our geographic region is very important. When there is no sun, it is necessary to support with the right products. You can find them in Medonet Market, such as XeniVIT Vitamin D 2000 Xenico.

Elderly people, people with darker complexions, and those whose skin is less capable of producing vitamin D, or those at higher risk of vitamin D deficiency, should also consider supplementation.

When taking supplements, however, remember not to “overdo it”. Excessive consumption of vitamin D (especially from supplements) can have unwanted side effects. This includes vomiting, nausea, constipation, muscle weakness, confusion, and kidney problems. Vitamin D improves calcium absorption when there is too much calcium, and the level of calcium increases dangerously, which promotes the formation of kidney stones.

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