How do you deal with abdominal pain in a child? Home methods and causes

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Every parent feels calmer if their child is healthy and does not feel any discomfort. Unfortunately, our children sometimes suffer from various ailments. One of them is stomach pain. Identifying the cause can be difficult. We should pay attention to how long the child complains of abdominal pain, whether it is accompanied by other symptoms and where the child feels pain.

Abdominal pain may be the result of stress, eating too quickly and greedily (then the ailment appears after eating) or a signal that the child is struggling with a food allergy. There are situations when it is necessary to consult a doctor. If abdominal pain occurs in a child and wakes him up at night, this is the first signal. In the case of diarrhea or constipation, it is also worth consulting a specialist. If a child complains of pain that occurs far away from the navel, and also radiates to the back or limbs, this is another situation that requires consultation. If we observe that, in addition to abdominal pain, the child has also lost weight, we should also go to a specialist. Fever accompanying abdominal pain, general weakness, joint pain or delayed puberty are also signals that should prompt us to see a doctor.

If your child often complains of abdominal pain, it is worth checking his health by performing the Child health check – diagnostic tests package offered by the patient company. You can buy the package on Medonet Market.

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How to deal with stomach pain?

The treatment of ailments is closely related to the cause of the pain. If the abdominal pain is associated with stress, it is worth talking to the child, finding out what causes such strong emotions. Hydration is the most important and fundamental step in the case of stomach flu, which is accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea. Abdominal pain can also appear after eating, and thus – it can be a sign of a food allergy. In this situation, it is worth starting a notebook in which you will record in detail what the child ate during each meal and when the abdominal pain occurred. In this way, you can eliminate products that adversely affect the child’s body from the diet.

Do you want to comprehensively take care of your child’s health? We recommend diagnostic tests to check the baby’s health, which includes tests reflecting the baby’s health. Also give him three strains of beneficial bacteria in the form of a supplement. Intestinal microflora for children 4-12 years old Terranova.

Are you seeing disturbing symptoms? Analyze them yourself in the medical questionnaire and decide whether to go to the doctor.

Home remedies for stomach ache

There are many ways that you can relieve stomach pain. Importantly, we do not need to prepare complicated homemade potions for this. One of the first products is chamomile tea, which has anti-inflammatory and calming properties. You can buy a basket of chamomile ready to make tea at Medonet Market. Another well-known remedy is mint tea, which has a beneficial effect on our digestive system. Pain is minimized and contractions are lighter. Lemon balm tea will also work well for stomach ailments because it has a relaxing and diastolic effect. A drink made of ginger will also help your baby with stomach ache. The mixture consists of this ginger, lemon juice and honey. First, cook the first two products for about 15 minutes, and then add the honey. The ginger drink has an anti-inflammatory effect and supports the production of digestive juices. An infusion of licorice root can help with indigestion-related abdominal pain. The mixture can be administered after a meal, one teaspoon each. Another way is to make a cumin seed concoction. The infusion relieves gas and improves bowel function. Flaxseed can also help with abdominal pain. After the seeds are soaked, it is enough to separate the liquid from the grains. It is also worth knowing that honey can bring relief. Not only is it sweet, it also destroys bacteria and viruses. We can prepare your child a sandwich with honey or mix it with warm water and lemon juice.

During the stomach flu, it is worth supporting the child’s body with appropriate supplements. At Medonet Market you can buy a probiotic for children in the form of drops or dissolving sachets, which will relieve pain and speed up the treatment process. We also recommend Pro + Pre Biotic For Children – Doctor Life dietary supplement, which is currently available at a promotional price.

It should also be remembered that the diet affects the work of our digestive system. Thanks to products rich in fiber, the rhythm of bowel movements is regulated. That is why it is worth giving your child fruit, vegetables or oatmeal to eat. It is worth knowing that proper hydration has a positive effect on the effect of fiber. Good news for people who like to eat yoghurt. This product may help if you have abdominal cramps or your baby has diarrhea. It is also worth knowing that warm compresses can have a positive effect on the relief of abdominal pain. All you need to do is put a towel that you soak in warm water before the pain. You can also use a hot water bottle. This method is effective because the heat affects blood circulation, making the stomach ache less persistent. If your child is struggling with constipation, it is a good idea to encourage them to take minimal physical activity. It can be playing in the yard, walking, playing football or cycling. This is an important factor because physical activity affects the worming movements in our intestines, and this leads to the regularization of bowel movements.

In regulating the work of the child’s digestive system, freeze-dried vegetables and fruits supplemented with a mixture of microflora will also help. Order now Skillful greens and vegetables for children – Terranova super-shake available at Medonet Market.

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