How do we handle uncertainty?

In recent days, we have seen how quickly the world can change. The current events cause anxiety, and the uncertainty of the future increases it many times over. How to live if you lose confidence in the future?

Until recently, we lived in the illusion of stability and forgot the simple truth: everything is impermanent. And not everything can be controlled, predicted, guaranteed. 

Confrontation with this truth creates anxiety, fear, panic. Global events are taking place, the familiar world is beginning to change, and we can no longer deceive ourselves that there is stability under our control. We are worried. We lose our sense of support and feel helpless. Plans are crumbling, as are the usual ideas about our reality.

What to do?

“The task of experiencing stress is to adapt to novelty,” says psychologist Anastasia Gurneva. — But how to do it, if new events fall on us every hour? It turns out that the energy in the psyche, the mobilization of stress reactions occurs, but there is no way to realize it. And then helplessness is replaced by rage, the emotional state is shaken, swinging on these «swings».

Stress hygiene, in my opinion, includes several important steps aimed at noticing and reflecting on your well-being.

1. «Calibrate» your state

Notice where and by what signs we find that we are in order or in strong emotions.

2. Learn to recognize how fluctuations in emotions are connected to the outside world

That is, to direct attention to what makes us panic or angry more: from reading the news, thinking about the future, talking with neighbors and other things. And, on the contrary, in what situations it is better for us, with what or with whom you are in contact at these moments.

3. Track your emotional background

Panic, anxiety, fear — what are they aimed at? Can I speak them with someone so that the other will help me to consider them, and look for actions that will help overcome this state?

Many are faced with the fact that they are offered or imposed a «kit» of emotions, which includes guilt and shame. But what to do if it is only partially suitable, if you experience anxiety and fear, but not guilt? .. “Listen to yourself, are these experiences really yours, and not offered to you from outside? the psychologist advises. — If you are a patriot, what exactly does this mean to you? If you want peace, then in what way exactly, how is it possible to realize it?

Anger, disagreement, rage — this is also partly just a stress reaction.. There is energy, it needs realization — at this moment it is easiest to find (or rather, declare) someone to blame, and then you can pour out all the indignation on those who think differently. Can you find what exactly you disagree with? Can you find a way to express your opinion without trying to destroy the other person’s point of view? Are you sure you are not confusing his point of view with his personality?

4. Consider cognitive biases

At such moments, our way of thinking is tangibly affected by cognitive distortions. Here are the two most common of them, according to the expert.

  • Black and white thinking. The world is divided into yes and no, for and against, for friends and foes, right and wrong. «If it’s bad here, it’s good there.»

  • Catastrophization. Panic is often triggered by a chain of thoughts about what could go wrong and then get worse, and then more…

“It would be good to reflect on these processes in ourselves in order to notice the level of stress that we experience and begin to act for our own benefit,” advises Anastasia Gurneva. To myself and to all those with whom we are in contact. After all, the main thing is not to allow war within oneself.

The emotional reaction of impotence to any event is the result of a futile effort, which is often not realized and may be partially or completely a product of fantasy. The function of this feeling in this case is to stop futile or meaningless attempts. 

Of course, we are talking here about the emotional reaction of impotence, and not about the state of lack of strength caused by diseases.

All of the above helps to cope with anxiety and powerlessness in a situation of uncertainty and global change. What are the next steps?

Driving directions

The feeling of powerlessness is one of the most devastating experiences for a person, says a psychotherapist, Ph.D. Irina Krashkina. It can be caused by problems of different levels — and the directions for solving them will differ. 

“The feeling of emptiness that arises against the background of emerging social problems at work,” the psychotherapist explains, “is solved by building a new business plan, with the possibility of obtaining a new education or, possibly. looking for a new job.

The feeling of impotence during personal experiences related to life and health requires the construction of a specific plan for each hour of life, with the maximum load of the intellect and physics of the body during the entire time a person is awake. No matter how trivial it sounds, but this is exercise, cleanliness around, reading professional and fiction.

The issues of accepting the feeling of powerlessness, as an understanding of the limitations of one’s capabilities, are probably better solved individually with a professional: a psychotherapist or a psychologist.

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