How do successful people prioritize?

Using opportunities to the maximum even in a difficult situation is the main feature of successful people. They know how to see the path for growth, they know how to take risks, but in addition, they are excellent at prioritizing. How to distinguish a successful investment of time and effort from a meaningless “why not”?

Socrates argued that every statement heard must be sieved through three sieves: truth, kindness and benefit. Heidi Reeder, author of Commit to Win*, suggests using the same three-sieve principle to help you do the right thing and not overthink it.

She suggests asking yourself three questions before agreeing to another tempting offer, accepting someone’s invitation, or starting a new business. Ryder labeled each of the questions with a letter — “the GPS principle” (translated as NLP**).

  • Skills: how will it help me develop my skills and abilities?
  • People (People): Will I meet significant people?
  • Positive emotions (Good time): Will this opportunity be a source of pleasant and inspiring sensations for me?

Required skills

Successful people seek new knowledge that allows them to grow and hone their professionalism. But their experience also tells them what opportunities will best fit into their life trajectory and will be useful in their field and at this particular stage of their career.

Say, if you have an idea for a new IT application, you should first focus on developing it, and then sign up for sales training and persuasion skills courses that will help you attract investors.

Significant people

Successful people create strong bonds. When we prioritize those events and activities that can be a source of fruitful communication, we win.

It is not at all necessary that we are talking about events where you can make “useful” acquaintances. It is much more important to be in the same environment with masters of their craft, innovators from whom you can learn something.

Whenever you’re about to respond to an invitation to go to a homecoming reunion, an exhibition, or a poetry seminar, think – are you doing this because you are looking forward to an exciting conversation that will enrich you, or are you just trying not to offend others by your refusal? In the second case, feel free to say “no”.

time well spent

Successful people often say yes to life. But successful people also value their time. They are selective. They use opportunities that can give them a sense of community with others, a sense of joy and creativity.

If you receive an invitation and you are faced with a choice, correlate your answer with the GPS test. Ask yourself: Will this experience be rewarding, inspiring, or fun for you? When answering, be guided only by your own feelings.

For some, playing football twice a week can bring the joy and excitement of competition. Others prefer thinking and strategy games. Choose exactly what suits your nature, do not pay attention to trends and other people’s preferences.

If you follow these principles, you will make yourself immune to “decision fatigue”—the need to constantly agonize over many different options for action. You will have a clear “road map” (think of the GPS metaphor) that will guide you through your life.

* H. Reeder «Commit to Win: How to Harness the Four Elements of Commitment to Reach Your Goals» (Hudson Street Press, 2014).

** Not to be confused with Neuro Linguistic Programming.

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