How do Poles do it?

Sexual intercourse in Poland lasts an average of 13 minutes. The size of a Pole’s birth is within European standards. But it is beyond the norm that more men than women experience sexual abuse in a relationship.

Another research by prof. Zbigniew Izdebski, a permanent associate of the Scientific Institute for Research on Sex, Gender and Procreation. Kinsey at Indiana University in the USA, prove that Poles need sex education. It is demanded by as many as 88% of respondents.

Sexual life of an average Pole

– As many as 68% of Poles are satisfied with their sex life, and only 9% have reservations about it. – says prof. Izdebski. According to prof. Zbigniew Lew Starowicz, a national consultant in the field of sexology, the high satisfaction rate is due to low expectations. – For many men, the reason they are happy is that they can have any sex at all. In my office I often hear: I am satisfied because my woman gives me – she says. The situation is different in the case of the ladies. – Here the requirements and expectations keep growing – he adds.

71% of Poles aged 15-49 declare that they have sex at least once a week. The average length of a sexual act (from foreplay to the end of intercourse) is 28 minutes, and the length of intercourse (from insertion into the vagina) is 13 minutes. – Although it is a few minutes shorter than indicated by the results of the study from six years ago, it is still good – says prof. Monika Płatek from the University of Warsaw. She adds that a good vibrator does this in three minutes, which means partner sex is about something other than just an orgasm. Professor Izdebski emphasizes that none of the respondents set the stopwatch during intercourse in the hope that the interviewer would ask him about the duration of his sexual contacts. It is a subjective feeling of the respondents. The research also shows that every second of us has had oral sex at least once, and every sixth has had anal sex. The average number of sexual partners in life is 4,28.

First time with a prostitute

A statistical Pole has sex for the first time when she is 18 years old, a Polish woman just after turning eighteen. The age of initiation is gradually decreasing – in 1997 it was 18,4 in men and 19,3 in women. This can be clearly seen if we analyze the answers to this question in age groups. Fifteen-, sixteen- and seventeen-year-olds declare that they had their first intercourse at the age of 15, while in the age group of 18 to 24, the initiation took place at the age of 17. Prof. Starowicz believes that the earlier onset of sexual intercourse is related to the fact that adolescents mature faster. – In this respect, we have caught up with other EU countries – he adds. The bigger problem is that every fifth boy admits to having sexual contact with a prostitute. In the 15-17 age group, as many as 20% of boys declare that they have had contact with a prostitute. Prof. Izdebski believes that it is the effect of a certain fashion. Young people make up a prostitute for a friend on the occasion of his sixteenth birthday, passed an exam, or buy prostitutes for a party. According to prof. Starowicz, early initiation with a prostitute may prevent a teenager from integrating sex with his personality, which means that in his adult life he will behave like a boy and will not create a lasting sexual relationship with his partner. Professor Izdebski claims, however, that research conducted in Poland at the turn of the XNUMXth and XNUMXth centuries shows that the frequency of sexual initiation with prostitutes was at a similar level.

Single not by choice

Every fifth respondent lives in an informal relationship, but 28% of these people declare that they plan to marry their partner in the near future. 31% of Poles live alone. As many as 56% of them give the reason that there is no appropriate person in their environment that they would like to choose as a partner. – This means that it is not a philosophy of life, but a certain necessity – says Izdebski. 30% prefer to live alone and 12% need a lot of independence and freedom. The rest have a problem with persevering in long-term partnerships or have negative experiences from previous relationships, or declare a high commitment to professional development and lack of time for private life. Sexual partners are increasingly sought via the Internet. Every 10th Pole had sex in “real world” with a person they met in this way, 5% had virtual sex. Apart from a permanent relationship, 21% of men and 12% of women had sexual contact at least once. 14% of men and less than 0,5% of women used paid services.

Contraception methods

Most Poles have used some method of contraception during sexual intercourse in the last 12 months. The most common were condoms (66%) and birth control pills (30%). Sociologist prof. Ireneusz Krzemiński believes that 80% of Poles using contraception highlight the inadequacy of the teaching of the Catholic Church, which Poles do not listen to. However, we still have large gaps in sex education. Every fifth Pole uses intermittent intercourse as a method of pregnancy prevention. – Unfortunately, it still reigns supreme in Poland – says prof. Izdebski. It also regrets that as many as 35% of Poles aged 15 to 49 believe that homosexuals should be treated. 35% do not agree with the possibility of joint tax filing and inheritance of people living in a homosexual relationship. – It is not surprising since the courts in Poland agree to exclude groups that are in the minority. The sign used by the national organization “Prohibition of pedaling” is considered legal – says lawyer prof. Monika Płatek. Kazimiera Szczuka asks how a homosexual boy or girl should feel at school, where a poster with this sign will be hung. – Will it not result in aggression? – he asks.

Penis size norm

More than half of Poles face obstacles that make it difficult for them to have intercourse. The most frequently cited reasons were fatigue and stress. Erectile dysfunction occurs in 5% of men aged 25-29, in 4% aged 30-49 and in 11% aged 50-59. When asked about satisfaction with penis size, out of 1600 respondents, only 237 men answered. It declared that the size of their erect penis was 17,2 cm. – I think that more measured than answered – said prof. Izdebski. – I was surprised that so few men commented on the size of their penis. Previously conducted research based on subjective measurements placed Poles in the tail of Europe. Later, however, in objective research, it turned out that we do not differ from other countries of our continent – says prof. Starowicz. He adds that research on the norms of the size of the male member was carried out only at the threshold of the 13st century as a result of pressure from US insurance companies, because patients wanted to undergo penis enlargement surgery at their expense. – Previously, the doctor probably made a decision by eye with regard to the size of his own penis – notes Prof. Starowicz. Based on these studies, it was established that the norm for Europe is 18-XNUMX cm in an erect state. – Interestingly, the research has shown that the circumference of the penis is more important for the quality of sensations during intercourse – says Prof. Starowicz.

Violence against men

Violence in sexual life is experienced by 9% of women and as many as 11% of men. – This new phenomenon may be due to the fact that women often do not identify the aggressive behavior of men as violence. Prof. Starowicz says that a woman wakes up more than once because her partner is having intercourse with her. However, she does not feel raped. The man, on the other hand, is already talking about violence when the woman says firmly, “come here.” However, the sexologist prof. Maria Beisert argues that the problem of women’s violence against men is growing all over the world. Ladies use verbal threats, e.g. that they will leave or find another partner. Prof. Izdebski admits that the scale of the phenomenon may be greater, because it is harder for men to admit that they experience violence. As many as 88% of Poles believe that schools should be taught sex education. – This report is one big call for sex education. Young people reach for information on the Internet, but most often, undirected, they look for pornography. Only sexual education can build the culture of sex life needed to affirm this sphere of life, says Kazimiera Szczuka.

Text: Halina Pilonis

Source: Research by Zbigniew Izdebski and Polpharma. Sexuality of Poles

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